200 Guests

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I felt like my last chapter didn't have much comic relief in it, so here's a chapter that has more funny topics than lovey dovey stuff! :D

Chapter 1- Ron's POV


I was shaken awake by a pair of bright, brown eyes, "Wake up sleepy head! It's nearly 10 in the morning, Ron!"

I say up and and yawned, it was ironic, actually. Whenever I got a lot of sleep, I always ended up being exhausted when I woke up. "What's up?" I asked as I slipped my feet into my Chudley Cannon slippers that Harry had given me for Christmas.

"Today's the day!" Hermione sang happily, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she plopped into my bed with a huge grin and a clipboard clutched close to her chest. She was already dressed, and looked as beautiful as always. Jeans and a blue cardigan can do wonders for her!

"Today's the day for what?" I asked, obviously looking very confused because Hermione laughed slightly, as she always does when I don't know what that brilliant mind of hers is conjuring.

"Well exactly a month ago you proposed to me, and said you'd start planning the wedding in a month because you were too lazy to do it then!" She said with a smirk, a bit of a blush rising to her cheeks as she talked about how I proposed to her, "Today we can finally start planning the wedding!"

I groaned and rolled my eyes as I flopped back down on the bed, I couldn't believe I actually thought this was going to be important. "What is there to plan anyways? Just buy a cake and a dress then BAM! You've got a wedding!"

She shook her head and twisted a lock of my my hair around her finger gently, "Ron, we're having 200 guests you know, it can't be that simple!"

I gasped and gaped at her, my mouth probably dropping to the ground, "200 GUESTS?!" I yelled in shock, a bit louder than I had planned, for Crookshanks scampered out of the room saucily.

Hermione bit her lip nervously, and half smiled, "Well, you have a incredibly large family, you know!" She then added in a small voice, "Also, all the aurors in the ministry wanted to attend.."

I let out a noise of annoyance, "Great!" I said sarcastically, "I can't wait for my boss tO WATCH ME GET MARRIED!" I had just recently become an auror with Harry, and I wasn't thrilled to hear that my new co workers would be watching me exchange rings with Hermione. I mean, would anybody be excited for that?

As she gave me a small smile, Hermione scanned the clipboard, "Well I guess your father's co-workers don't have to come.." She frowned and bit her lip as she scratched away at the parchment on the clipboard with her quill.

I sighed and threw my hands up in the air with disbelief, "Why the bloody hell did you invite Dad's co workers?" By that point, I knew she had gone completely mad, "Why don't we just go invite the ghoul in the attic as well?" I asked sarcastically, jabbing my finger up at the ceiling.

"Your Mum said I should invite them and I didn't want to disappoint her!" Hermione replied with a small shrug.

I took her small hand in my big one and squeezed it gently to calm myself, "I love you, 'Mione, I really do. It's just that..."

Hermione gazed at me inquisitively, "It's just what?"

"I thought we were going to have a small, private wedding!" I suddenly blurted out, "With just, you know, Harry, Ginny, and Mum and Dad! Isn't that what normal people do?" I asked her, making sure that the word "normal" stood out since I knew Hermione and I were far from normal. Being the Chosen One's best friend came with it's perks-- and it's cons of course. The word "private" was like an alien to us. Ever since Harry defeated You-Know-Who, privacy was a rare and valuable thing for Hermione and I. A thing to be cherished when given it.

Hermione looked at me sympathetically and patted my shoulder, bringing me back to reality: the fact that there's no private anymore, "Don't worry Ronald, you'll like being the life of the party!" She exclaimed in that fake tone of voice that mother's use when trying to convince a five-year-old that a shot, those things where muggles stick needles into people's bodies, will be "fun".

I frowned, and muttered grumpily under my breath, "I seriously doubt that."

Sorry that this chapter is quite short compared to the previous chapter! :( I wrote it on Instagram and since Instagram has limited space I couldn't write nearly as much as i would have liked to!

But anyways, remember to give this story a vote and comment what you thought of it! Thanks!

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