Hole in my Heart

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Another part for you guys because I feel SOOO bad about neglecting this story for a YEAR!

But I'd really like to thank you all for the likes and comments on the story that you've left while I've been gone, it really means a lot! :)

Chapter 3- Harry's POV

I gave Ginny's hand a gentle squeeze as we stared up at the Burrow, a place that seemed so familiar yet distant after the long time we had spent away on our honeymoon.

"I missed this place," she said softly, tilting her head slightly to look over at me.

"Me too," I replied with a smile and a quick kiss on the cheek, "Let's go inside, I hope they're still up!"

Walking briskly up the messy path, scattered with pebbles, I felt a surge of warmth in my chest as I realized just how good it felt to be home after two months of traveling in Australia.

Sure, it was loads of fun and I had the most amazing time being with Ginny 24/7, but nothing can really compete with the cozy Burrow.

Finally arriving on the front porch I gave Ginny a sideways glance, "Do you think we should knock?"

She gave me a playful grin, "Mum probably left it unlocked and it's not like we're 'unwanted intruders'."
I nodded in agreement and slowly pushed the door open, the hinges squeaking with the movement.

Suddenly, in a blur of shapes and colors, the entire Weasley family and Hermione jumped out of various hiding spots and yelled, "WELCOME HOME!"

Holding a large, beautifully decorated cake, Hermione walked forward with a wide smile, the flames of the candles on top of the cake flickering in the dimly lit room, "Welcome home, Harry and Ginny! I know it's not either of your birthdays but I suppose you could blow out the candles together anyway!" She said with a chuckle.

Ginny and I smiled at each other and the leaned forward, blowing out the many candles as the others looked on.

"Thank you guys so much!" Ginny cried happily, running into her parents's arms as I walked over to Ron and Hermione, giving them each a friendly hug.

"Thanks guys, we were definitely not expecting this!" I said happily, scanning the room as I began to notice the many streamers and other decorations that were scattered around the room.

"Hermione planned it all," Ron said as he wrapped an arm around Hermione's shoulder and gave her an affectionate kiss on the cheek, a red blush creeping up on her face.

"Anyways," Hermione's blush faded and Ginny appeared by my side, interlacing my fingers with hers, "How was your honeymoon? Australia must've been amazing!"

"Oh it was!" Ginny exclaimed, "It was so warm and interesting. Harry and I got to hold koalas and see all these other weird creatures!"

"I've read about many Australian-born species," Hermione stated, slowly returning to her normal, book-smart self, "Although some may be all cute like the koala, I've heard that some are incredibly dangerous... deadly, even."

"Oh there were many of those, Hermione!" I said with a laugh, "But we made sure to steer clear of them!"

"Well, I'm glad you two came back alive," Ron said in a good natured manner, "We wouldn't want to lose anyone el..."

His voice faltered as George made his way over to us, his usual grin plastered on his face. Everybody made sure to avoid the topic of death whenever George was around due to the fact that although he seemed to be coping with Fred's death well on the outside, there had been times when we could hear his uncontrollable sobbing at night.

Swallowing, I embraced George, "Nice to see you!" I glanced at the others who had all gone silent, "Ginny and I certainly missed your humor on our trip!"

"Did you also miss my handsome, dashing looks?" He asked, giving us a wink.

Breaking the silence, Ginny rolled her eyes, "That's one thing I didn't miss!"

George gave us a playful shrug, "Well, it was terrible here without you. It was a bit of a love fest, I suppose." He tilted his head towards Ron and Hermione who instantly turned similar shades of red.

"Oh that's right!" Ginny rushed over towards Hermione with a squeal, "Show me the ring!"

Hermione smiled and held out her hand to Ginny and I, revealing a beautiful silver ring with one small diamond on it. Although it may have seemed simple at first, as I peered closer, I was able to read the engraved words, "Swish and flick". I smiled, feeling bittersweet as a wave of nostalgia hit me, the thought of the times when everything was less complicated were slightly sad.

"Oh it's lovely!" Ginny exclaimed, gazing at the ring adoringly, "I can't believe Ron chose this! He never gets anything right!"

"Hey!" Ron cried, giving his little sister a fake frown, "When I saw the ring Harry got you I knew I'd have to go over the top as well!"

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Everything's a competition with you two, isn't it?"

Inside, I felt extremely happy because choosing the perfect ring for a perfect girl like Ginny had been an extremely difficult task for me and hearing someone praise my work was quite satisfying.

Interrupting the small squabble, Mrs. Weasley squeezed in between Ginny and I, wrapping her arms around our shoulders as she began to lead us to the kitchen, "You must be so hungry from a long day of traveling! I've already begun to whip up something for you two to eat. Maybe we can talk about your honeymoon as I cook?" After patting each of our cheek's affectionately she made her way to the kitchen which was bustling with movement as several pots and pans cooked our food.

Taking a seat in the chair next to Ginny, I realized what was making me feel so empty. There was no Fred.

Though Ginny would never admit it, I knew that part of the reason that Ginny had rushed our honeymoon so much and dragged it on for so long was because she knew she wouldn't be able to bare being in her home without Fred popping into her room at random times to annoy her.

As Ginny continued talking with her mum, I sighed and stared out the window, wondering how Mrs. Weasley managed to stay so cheerful after the loss of her own son. Even the large garden outside seemed quite dark and gloomy.

I thought about the question that had been nagging me ever since the end of the Battle of Hogwarts and was once again stumped. Would I ever be able to fill the hole in my heart that had been created from the deaths during the war?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter which finally has Harry and Ginny!

I know it was kind of sad at parts (WHY DID FRED HAVE TO DIE?!) but please leave me a comment with any feedback or stuff you like about the story so far. Have a wonderful day!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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