Bucky Barnes

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Hey ya'll so i have a story idea bouncing around in my head but its a 'Bucky Barnes love story' and i don't know if ya'll would want to read it or not but here is the first chapter that i wrote and i want to know if i should continue writing it or not so leave your comment on it and let me know if i should make it a real story!


"Dad! everything is fine, i'm at the apartment now and i just have like three more boxes to unpack" I spoke into my phone to my dad who was blabbering about how i need to be safe and if i need any help to call and he and my brothers are there in a instant.

"Okay just remeber-" "remember to lock my door at night and if someone breaks in to use the bat you bought me, dad i know i promise to be safe" I reassured him, hearing him sigh deeply though the phone he spoke again this time quieter and more gentle then before's rough worried tone. "I know you can take care of yourself, Hun its just after what happened to your mother i just worry a lot more, i'm sorry"

Feeling tears prick my eyes i pull the phone away from my ear for a moment. Closing my eyes and turning my head up to the ceiling i breathed heavily though my nose forcing the tears back. Clearing my throat and putting the phone back to my ear i spoke in a slightly hushed tone trying to keep my emotions at bay, "I have to go and finish unpacking dad, i'll talk to you whenever," I hung up the phone not waiting for a reply and threw it on my cheap thrift store couch.

After standing in the same spot in the middle of my living room i finally decided to move and actually start unpacking the last three boxes sitting stuffed in the corner of the room next to the couch. Opening the box full of books sitting on top of the pile i started setting them up on the shelf directly across from my couch. Because i don't have a lot of money, just enough to pay for the basic bills and apartment, i don't own a TV making my laptop my number one source of staying up to date with shows and movies.

Making my second trip to the book shelf, i dropped my books with a loud shriek when what looked like a metal hand bashed a hole in my wall right next to my shelf. Letting out another loud yell from my books landing on my foot, i dropped down and grabbed my foot and started muttering curses under my breath, i looked up at the sound of a door slamming followed by someone rushing in the hall and stopping in front of my door.

Hearing a knocking on my door i called a come in and the door opens to a tall guy with shoulder length brown hair, he rushes towards me and stooped down next to me on his knee looking worryingly at me.

"I'm so sorry are you okay?" He said reaching out and touching my arm, "Other then the fact i dropped a stack of books on my foot, no i'd say i'm doing pretty shitty!" I said shaking his hand off my arm and standing up, "Look at my wall! You punched a hole in my wall!"

"Hey i said i'm sorry! it was a accident! I tripped and fell over and my arm went threw the wall!" He said raising his hand and gesturing to the wall, and only then did i notice that he had a full metal arm and that i wasn't seeing things when i saw it go threw the wall. Shocked i looked up at his face for the first time and noticed him look down at his arm almost self-consciously and slowly move his arm slightly behind himself almost as if he was afraid i'd judge him.

Shaking my head i groaned and looked back at the wall trying to think of how much money its going to cost to fix it, "I'll pay for the hole i just need to get my pay check in at the end of the week," He said looking back up at me, sighing i nodded my head in agreement looking back up at him. I seen his eyes dart from me to the ground and i smiled, "probably not the greatest way to meet each other but whatever, i'm Emory Mathis" I said sticking my hand out for him to shake.

Looking up to meet my eyes he smiled back at me and shook my hand with his non metal one, "James Buchanan Barnes, but people call me Bucky."

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