Liam and Derek

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Liam -
You giggled at Liam and sit up next to him on his bed. "What are you doing? lay back down." He said reaching out to grab you and pull you back down on him. "nope." You laughed leaning away from his hands, you grabbed his wrists and made him clap his hands together, making him laugh at you and reach up grabbing you face in his hands, your's still resting on his wrists, he pulled you down to him and kissed you.

Pulling away from him you sat indian style and clapped your hands together. You got serious and looked him in the eyes making him nevous and he stopped smiling and laughing at you. "Pattycake." You said, making him look at you confused as to why you would say such a random thing. "Come on, lets play pattycake!" He still looked at you confused making you gasp and go wide eyed. "You dont know what pattycake is?!" "You said, pointing a finger at him in shock making him stare at you in suprize and shock, that you would be mad at him not knowing some weird game. "OH MY GOSH, okay um so clap your hands together and repeat after me." You said, smiling at him. "Pattycake pattyca-" You cut yourself off, laughing at Liams confused face making him smile at you as you reached over and grabbed his hands interlacing your fingers with his. you leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips. "I love you." You said, your lips brushing his. "I love you more." He said, before kissing you again.

Derek -You were cleaning the loft for the pack to come over later and Derek was doing something in the bedroom

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Derek -
You were cleaning the loft for the pack to come over later and Derek was doing something in the bedroom. You were just about to be finished in the living room and was going to move into the kitchen when Derek walked in to the room with something in his hand.
"Hey." You said, glancing at him quickly then going back to picking up the blankets off the floor and putting them back on the couch. "what do you have?" You asked looking back up at him, when he didnt say anything but was staring at something in his hand.

"You know that locket that i used to talk about?" he said looking up at you then looking at the thing in his hand again. "Yeah it was your mom's right? i thought you lost it at the other house?" you said standing up and walking over to him "i thought i did too, but look at what i found in a box from the old house." he said, holding out his hand for you to see the gold locket that rested in the palm of his hand.

"Wow it's so beautiful." You said, staring at it for a minute. After seeing the way you looked at the locket and thinking about what his mom told him before she gave him it, he turn you around paying no attention to your protests he moved your hair over your shoulder and put the necklace around your neck, after hooking it in place he turned you to face him.

"Your so beautiful." he said staring into your eyes making you blush and wrap your arms around his neck, him wraping his around your back twirling you around.

" he said staring into your eyes making you blush and wrap your arms around his neck, him wraping his around your back twirling you around

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Thank you for reading Theo, Brett and Parrish and Peter will be next.

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