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Saying goodbye to my family whten I left for everest was the hardest thing I'd ever done.I wasnt going on a day trip or a weeklong expedition this time.I'd be gone for two full months.Not only that,but I was taking a leap of faith that I'd be able to scale the highest peak in the world.

We kept things pretty low key and didn't have a big celebration before I left.I preffered to fly under the radar since I was pretty much in my own zoned out world and other people aren't quite sure how to act in a situation like that. Maybe its a little like when a soldier leaves for combat in a risky part of the world.What do you say to someone whi may not come back?You can act like everything is normal,but it ends up being awkward no matter how hard you trt.I figured it would be better to have a party afterward,celebrating a successful return.Rather than having abunch od hype prior to leaving.My flight was scheduled for 1 am on March31.There's only a small window of time foe everest expedition yo begin since the climbing seaasons only spans form april to early june each year.The summit stands at 29,035 foot jet stream,which means it creates its own weather patterns.The moonsoon season that occurs in late spring ushers in strong einds and a warmer air mass.Making that two and a half months window the only relatively safe,predictable time to climb.And even within that time frame,there are only a couple of days that are suitable for summit attempts.

The day before my flight Joanna,Emily,Jade and I spent the day together at the Seattle Pacific Science Center,where they had a Star Wars display.The kids enjoyed checking out a replica Death Star and seeing the R2-D2 and Princess Lea character walking around..

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