section deleted to hide how the piracy was accomplished*
Hey guys, I just checked the site and found this message. We wanted to let you know that you all made a difference! Great job everyone. 👍👍👍
I'm super proud to be a part of your community. A little nervous about the website overall, but we HEART each and every one of you! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
We plan to keep this book up (Wattpad willing) to add to anytime there is a threat, so please keep it in you're library to receive future updates! 😉😉
CLOSED - We DON'T Heart Stealing
Non-FictionCLOSED INDEFINITELY (for updating on new threats.) Not accepting applications **BUT there is still valuable information on how to protect your writing!!! **** Please read this and protect yourself. This is important and it is NOT spam or a hoax.