Chapter 1

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January 2004
"Devon!!! Get back here!" I hear Prince yell as Devon runs out of his studio to me. I bend down to stop her as she's beginning to cry. "What's wrong?" I asked and then cradle her in my arms.
"Daddy mean..."
"No." Prince says sternly, walking up to us. He bends down behind her and turns her around to look at him. "No. Daddy not mean. Daddy mad." He says and signs together. She starts bawling and reaching for me. "Why is she even down here?" Prince asked, sounding frustrated.
"Hey! I'm sorry. I came to talk to the wardrobe department about some outfits for all the events coming up. What happened? What's your deal baby?" I shot back at him.
"She just doesn't need to be around when I'm practicing. She gets into everything and I can't concentrate. She thinks I'm mean bc I swatted her when she tried to bang on my guitar." He explained.
I pulled Devon back to look at me and said "Devon, daddy is working. You can't play while he's working." She begins to whine loudly. "You can play with the instruments when he's done. Ok? Right daddy?"
Prince huffs and responds "yes, you can touch them gently and daddy will help you play a song. But not right now. I'm busy...."
"Prince, you don't have to be so snippy and rude. She just misses you and is trying to get your attention. Plus she loves music. What are you so stressed about? You can't be that rusty, especially after recording and playing a lot more in the past year." I sighed.
"What am I stressed about?! Well let's see...Grammys are in two weeks and we have got to get out to LA soon so I can get in a rehearsal or two with Beyoncé. Then I've got to get the band and performance polished for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in March, plus I've been asked to play in this George Harrison tribute and I've never even heard the song before so I'm trying to learn it. Oh and if that wasn't enough, the tour starts right after that and I haven't even had time to think about all that entails yet. And these aren't little shows. It's an actual huge arena tour since the album sales did so well..."
"Oh I'm sorry that my brilliant plan worked and it sent your album to the top of the charts and everyone wants to come see you perform." I reply sarcastically.
"Honey I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I just haven't been on tv or tour in a long time. I don't want anyone saying Prince has lost it. I can't half ass it, for myself and everyone else. I know my girls are missing me. I'm missing y'all too, fiercely. I've just got to trudge through and work hard for a few more weeks until tour starts. Then, believe it or not, we will have tons of time together. Go start packing for LA, we need to leave soon." He demanded.
"What?! I thought we were leaving next week?!" I exclaimed.
"We were, but talking about it all has made me realize how much work I actually have to do in less than two months. Everyone needs to get out there asap and get started."
"So we are staying out there until the tour starts?!"
"I probably will. You and Devon don't have to, y'all can come back home some if you want."
"Honey you can't make these snap decisions. Brian and Kim have to go where we go. And if we are somewhere different than you, then you don't get your lessons in with Brian..."
"Ok, ok. You're right. We will leave tomorrow. Will you let everyone know?"
"You have an assistant for that." I smirk.
"Ok then will you tell her?" He replied. "And please keep Devon out of here for awhile. I'll be done for the night by dinner. I promise."
"Can we at least get a kiss or a hug or something?" I roll my eyes.
"I can give y'all both!" He grinned and bear hugged us and gave us silly loud kisses, making Devon squeal.
"More, more!" She commanded as she signed. Prince, not being able to resist her precious voice and adorable face, took her from me and started showering her face and neck with sloppy kisses.

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