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Daehwi didn't understand it. He didn't understand his mom's teary eyes or his little sisters whining as they pulled up to their new house.

"Daehwi," His mom turns around to face her son in the backseat, "The doctor said fresh air like this will help you get better soon. Then, we can move back to Seoul but I just need you to coopera-"

Daehwi scoffs, "I don't know why you care so much, I will be dead in 5 years anyway." He opens the door of the car, stepping out onto the gravel driveway. He looks up at their new house, not really excited. He was neutral about the whole thing.

It was large and brown. It easily had 3 stories and a cute brown shed/kennel off to the side where you could keep gardening tools and/or dogs.

He liked that.

"Lee Daehwi!" He hears his mom stumbling out of the car, "Why are you so negative about this?" He turns around looking at her with amused eyes.

"Mom, it is 1956 and if you haven't figured it out, medicine isn't the most advanced right now. They don't even know the name of my condition yet! Do I have a reason to be positive?" Daehwi shrugs nonchalantly, "Besides, they already said I won't live past the age of 23 so why should I care?"

His mom appears in front of his eyes, tears streaming down her face dramatically, "Do you not care? Care about me or your little sister?" She grabs Daehwi's frail and skinny arms while looking at him with remorse.

Daehwi gives her a smile worth a million bucks, "I don't care about anything or anyone, mom," The smile drops off of his face and turns into a scowl, "Let me go." He shakes off her grasp, leaving her in the middle of the yard with tears streaming down her face and a heavy heart.


"Daehwi! Dahyun! Time for dinner!" He hears his mother yell from downstairs. He closes his eyes while taking off his glasses and setting them down on the desk in front of him.

He decides to actually go eat dinner for once but as soon as he reaches the downstairs area, he regrets it fully.

The table was full of next door neighbors, all dressed in farmer outfits. His gaze trails to the mess that they have already made, boots full of mud tracking everything inside the house.

He rolls his eyes before walking over there, already wanting to go back to his room and continue his studies.

"Who are you, fine young man?" One of the fat farmer's wife speaks out, a big smile on her face. It honestly creeped him out a bit.

"I'm Daehwi." He sighs, sitting down at the table. He reaches out to grab some seaweed soup but before he could, another farmer reaches out with a spoon covered in saliva and dips it in the soup.

Daehwi's eyes snap over to his mom who has the look of, "Don't worry sweetie, I will make this up to you."

He couldn't even eat in his own home now.

"Daehwi, sweetheart, can you go get me more rice?" The farmer's wife speaks up once again. Daehwi cuts his eyes over to her, he was clearly not happy about it.

"Why can't you get up and get it yourself?" Daehwi's voice stops all of the conversation in the room and a thick silence hangs over the table.

"Daehwi!" His mom slaps his arm, clearly embarrassed by her son's words.

The farmer only gives a soft chuckle, "The boy is right. She can get up and get it herself, he hasn't even had time to stick one piece of kimchi in his mouth." The conversation resumes after the farmer laughs everything off but Daehwi still had a sour look on his face.

my prince. (danhwi/nielhwi)Where stories live. Discover now