Super Soldiers (BFF!Steve) Part 2

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When I woke up I saw ruble all around me and pain corsed through my veins. I look at my arm infront of me and see a huge cut with blue liquid on it. "Ahhh!" I yell in pain. My whole body burned a fire of pain. In the distance I hear some faint voices. "Over here!" "I think I heard someone!" "Come on!" I take deep breathes and try to to lift the rumble off of me with my back. "Ahhh!" I squeeze my eyes shut hoping the pain will go away. "Y/N!" "Y/N where are you!" "Y/N!!" I take a few more deep breathes. "Over h-here!" I hear running and then feel a weight being lifted from my back. "Hold on Y/N!" I recognize the voice immediately. Steve. Slowly the weight becomes less and less. Sunlight hits my face and I squint my eyes. "Y/N!" I hear Peggy say as she rushes to me. Steve, Bucky, and Peggy help me up. Steve and Bucky put my arms around their shoulders since I can barely stand. "Om my gosh Y/N what happened to you?" Peggy says examining me. I take a few deep breaths and look at Peggy. "I'll be okay Peg. Just a few cuts and bruises." Then the pain hit me like a car again. "Ahhh!" "Come on we have to get Y/N to the nurses back at camp." Steve says seriously. I walk with Steve and Bucky supporting me and Peggy infront of us navigating us to the car.

When we reach the camp a huge crowd gathers around us. "Out of the way! Make way! We need to get her to the nurses!" Peggy yells pushing throught the crowd. As we make our way tot the nurses I can hear the men whispering. We enter the tent and Steve and Bucky help me onto the bed. I lay down gritting my teeth trying to keep from screaming. The nurses rush to me and start their work immediately. "Ahh!" The pain seems to be getting worse. "It seems this blue liquid all over her is going into her cuts." A nurse says. "Wait blue liquid?" Peggy asks the nurse. "Yes, for some reason it is adding to her pain." Peggy rushes over to Steve. "Steve when we were cleaning the lab Y/N found some of the syrum in a safe. A spy tried to kill us but Y/N saved me and caused the lab to self destruct to kill the man. I think when she was trying to get out the lab, ruble fell on her and the tube the syrum was in broke. Now its entering her cuts!" Steve looks worried beyond belief and Bucky's mouth drops. "Could the syrum hurt her?" Bucky asks. "It hurt when it entered my veins." Steve answers. "Do you think it will have the same affect on her?" Bucky asks looking at me. "I don't know, I wish the Dr. was here to help." Steve says. "Ahhh!!" Suddenly, the pain became unberable. The nurses frantically did everything they could. I take a few deep breathes and the pain eases. Everything became blury, I saw Steve, Bucky, and Peggy run up to me and the nurse trying to get them to leave. Then with one last look at my friends, everything went black.

Time Skip...

3rd Person

Steve waited by Y/N's bed hoping she would wake up soon. She had been unconscious for two days. He really cared for Y/N and couldn't stand knowing she could be hurting right now. He only told Bucky but no one else, he loved Y/N, and not in a friend way. He was hoping to gain the courage to ask her out, but never got around to it. As Steve was deep in thought he heard a loud inhale. His head snapped in the direction of the sound and saw Y/N with her eyes wide and breathing deeply.

Your POV

My eyes shot open and I took a large breathe. My eyes darted around the room and I slowly sat up while wincing. "Y/N!" I turn my head and I smile seeing Steve Rogers smiling at me. "Hey Champ." Steve stands up and engulfs me in a tender hug to which I hug back. "Are you okay? Do you want me to get a nurse?" "Actually yeah that would be great." Steve lets go from the hug and walks off to find a nurse. As I position myself to sit completely upright I realize the pain is now completely gone and I'm stronger. I lift up my arm to see that my muscles are slightly larger. Bucky and Peggy walk inside and when they see me they smile and rush over. "How are you feeling N/N?" Bucky asks while smiling. "Better." "Where's Steve? He was here earlier." Peggy asks looking around. "He went to get a nurse." Just as I say that Steve comes back with a nurse. She checks me and says I'm ready to leave.

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