Stiles On His First Hunt, As an actual hunter

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Outside POV:

For Stiles, one month quickly passed by in a flash. He kept regular contact with Scott and Derek, and he called his dad every single night. He was really learning a lot while staying with Bobby. He can now handle himself fairly well in a fight, and he knew how to defend himself against many different monsters. 

He learned all about, Ghosts, vampires, Skinwalkers, Djinns, Ghouls, Khan worms, Shapeshifters, wraiths, Rugarus, and so much more. Stiles was so surprised and slightly scared of how many supernatural things existed in the world around them. But one thing he learned that Bobby got wrong was his facts about werewolves. Apparently, Bobby was under the impression that silver killed werewolves. A silver bullet to the heart killed a werewolf, at least according to Bobby.

Now he knows better from being teased by Derek more than enough that silver does not work on werewolves. But he was in no way going to tell Bobby that he was wrong. Stiles was all about sharing information but not information that could hurt and potentially kill his friend.

But otherwise, life was pretty good for Stiles. However, once the second month began, Bobby started getting called in to help on hunts. Stiles found Bobby's phone system interesting and slightly amusing. 

He wondered the kick his father would get out of seeing the phones labeled FBI and other law-enforcement names.

Stiles preferred to stay behind. He didn't actually like hunting. It was only his cover to learn. But even if he didn't prefer it, Bobby forced him to stay behind most of the time. However, one day, one week into the second month. Bobby asked Stiles if he wanted to join him on a hunt. He explains it pretty thoroughly.

According to Bobby, it was a simple salt and burn. There were signs of a ghost haunting a high school in Lincoln, Nebraska. Bobby thought it would be a simple in and out job and that Stiles could get some experience hunting ghosts. And Stiles didn't think anything of it; he thought, well, the ghost is already dead, so there's not gonna be much trauma involved. It will get him some experience just in case he ever deals with a ghost in Beacon Hills because God knows there's probably some ghosts roaming around Beacon Hill, probably more than some actually now that he thinks about it.

Once Bobby got confirmation that Stiles wanted to join him on the hunt. They headed down to Nebraska. It wasn't a long journey because they both took shifts driving Bobby's car since Stiles' car was still being fixed.

 Once there, they got a hotel, well, more like a crappy motel. But either way, it was a bed to sleep in. They did some research and learned that the school was still currently in session even though it was the summer. Apparently, there was a summer program going on for the high school.

After much convincing on Stiles' side, he convinced Bobby to let him be enrolled into the summer program there as a transfer student, and he would be on the inside learning about where exactly the ghost was and what the kids in the school knew about it. While Bobby would go undercover as an FBI agent investigating the recent deaths that happened around the school.

And Stiles was disturbed with how easily it all worked out for them. As someone who aspired to become a police officer, this whole easily fluttering around the law was half awesome and half disturbing.

Under all the bravado, Stiles was nervous. He's never done anything without his pack around him before. Not that they were really a pack, but he's never really faced supernatural creatures without Scott or Derek by his side, and he was a little scared. It was reassuring to have the pack at his back. To know that somebody was there in case you failed or that somebody was there to back you up.

Though this time there would be no pack, there was Bobby, and Bobby was the best of the best, so he steeled himself and got ready for the hunt.

Bobby was currently sitting in the motel with Stiles' laptop open, and he was investigating the recent murders through the police database. He already checked in with the police in town and looked at the bodies. 

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