Cassidy Why Did You Ever Tell Me That

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Outside POV:

After driving out of the school parking lot, Stiles pulled up to the motel. He got out of his jeep and used his spare motel key to get in the room.

"Bobby! You here?" Stiles asked into the room.

But it seems Bobby had stepped outside. He decided to get some coffee and wanted to skype his friends, so he took his laptop and put it in his bag. He left a note for Bobby saying he went to get coffee and to call him when he got back.

Stiles took a quick drive to a coffee house down the road. Stiles enters the shop. It smells strongly of coffee and, weirdly enough, books. Looking around the shop, he can see why. It's covered in books. Almost as bad as Bobby's house. But neater. Stiles walks to the counter and orders a large coffee, and grabs a chair. He pulls out his laptop and connects to the free wifi.

Stiles checks the time; Scott would be getting home from work in about one hour, so he decided to skype Derek first. He plugs in his headphones and calls Derek. It rings for three beats, then Derek's face appears.

"Stiles?" Derek asks.

"Yeah, Sourwolf, who else Skypes you." Stiles laughs at Derek's frown.

"Whatever, Stiles. Where are you calling from." Derek questions.

Oh right, Stiles takes a look around behind him.

"It's this coffee shop in town. The coffee's actually pretty good." Stiles says as he took a long deep sip of his coffee.

"Okay, but why haven't you face timed us before? We only get calls or texts." Derek asks grumpily.

Well, he couldn't say because he was training with a hunter, and he didn't want to endanger Scott or Derek or the rest of the pack by accident.

"Well, as I said before, I'm not on vacation, Derek. I actually have a lot to do. I'm actually helping on a real case right now!" Stiles said excitedly.

"What? A real case I thought you were interning. Stiles that dangerous." Derek said worriedly from the screen.

"Derek, it's fine. I'm with a real FBI agent. He's actually one of the best. And everyone in the program shadows an agent on one mission. So I'm totally safe. Don't worry, Sourwolf." Stiles smiles through the computer.

Derek was about to answer when someone called Stiles' name.

"Hey, Stiles. It's Stiles, right?" A girl's voice asks.

Stiles looks over and sees Cassidy walking closer.

"Oh yeah, hey, Cassidy. What are you doing here?" Stiles says curiously.

Derek is silently listening through the computer. He hears Stiles' heart rate pick up. Derek gets worried, thinking Stiles is in trouble, until the girl, Cassidy, steps in view of the computer.

She is just Stiles' type. She has reddish hair. Green eyes and a light complexion. She is almost like Lydia's sister. Derek growls low in his chest. He thought Stiles was there to learn. Damn, why does he feel like this?

"Stiles, who is that," Derek says with a growl.

"Huh? Oh, Derek. This is my friend Cassidy." Stiles points to Cassidy.

Cassidy waved and gave a weird smile that rubbed Derek the wrong way. Derek wanted to tell Stiles to be careful, but Stiles decided to end the call.

"Ah, Derek, I'll call you back later, okay?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah, sure. Make sure you call me later." Derek can only agree.

Derek hangs up angry and worried and most likely jealous even though he would never admit it.

"So Cassidy, as I said before, what are you doing here?" Stiles asks as he quickly puts his laptop away.

"Well, I'm obviously here to get coffee, seeing as this is a coffee shop. And what were you doing?" She asks teasingly.

"That guy Derek. He's cute. Are you guys dating?" She asks nonchalantly.

Stiles freezes; what? What? WHAT!?

"What? Why would you say we were dating? We're not dating; by the way, he's just a friend from my old home." Stiles said quickly.

"Chill out, man, no need to freak out. Haha. I won't say anything about you guys, swear." Cassidy smiles at him teasingly.

"There's nothing to say," Stiles mumbles into his drink.

"Right, Never mind what are you doing here if not to call your boyfriend?" Cassidy jokes again.

Stiles glared at her for saying, boyfriend. Cause he didn't even think of Derek like that. And even if he did, Derek would never be into him. He's skinny and pale and a dude for one. Also, from his track record with women, which is none, Derek wouldn't even be interested. 'I mean, have you seen Derek Hale?' The man is like a Greek god. 'Have you seen those abs?'

Oh god, what is wrong with him. He should not think about those abs. Or Derek's smile. Shit. Stiles was not in love with Derek Hale. Or was he?

"Did I break you? Stiles? Hello?" Cassidy asks as she waved her hand in front of his face.

"What?" Stiles snapped out of... w-whatever that was.

"I asked if I broke you? I didn't mean it. Let's forget about it anyway. You wanna hang out tonight?" Cassidy asks.

Stiles looks at her, still sort of dazed. Then his brain processed what she had asked him.

"Oh, sorry. I can't see you tonight. I have something else to do. Sorry, I would if I wasn't busy." Stiles said sincerely.

Feeling bad, she did say she was also new in town. And she was nice and helpful to him so far.

"No problem. Some other day, yeah?" Cassidy offers the alternative.

There probably won't be another day. But for now, "Yeah, sure. Another day."

They talked for a bit more. Just chatting about mundane things. Soon Cassidy left without ever drinking any coffee, weirdly enough. Stiles skyped Scott for a bit more. Until Bobby called Stiles' phone and he bid Scott goodbye.

But before he left, he grabbed two more coffees and some donuts to go.

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