i know yo type(part 2 )

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roc p.o.v : ummm aight so this my 1st p.o.v...but ummm ima bouta chuck it and duck it with shai'lee.....but people say she a tough cookie to break but with all this charm it'll be easy to break that one open....okay yeah I know ima player but you know ima teen I wanna live the teen life after all you only live once so live in the moment while you can.....

ray: aye yall what we going to do today I  needa give lil ray ray a break

(dictionary. .when he means lil ray ray he talkin bout his penis)

prod and prince: man I feel you I been hitten all week....

roc : well im goin to diggy house today .... yall down...

boys: down

roc : well ima go to class before I be late peace.,,,

ray : fr...damn ion wanna go to mrs.brown class

prod and prince: well we got mr.nolan ughh he gets on my nerves. ..

ray : you know I think mr.nolan and mrs.brown messin with eachother. ..

bell rings

boys : *all say it at the same time* damn

mrs.brown : good morning class how was your week-

shai'lee: sorry im late....

mrs.brown : can you explain to the class why you late....

shai'lee: ummmm let me think about that question. .....NO ..... what it looks like me tellin the class why im late ...

mrs.brown: youre right im sorry

shai'lee: I bet you are...

class :***laugh***

mrs.brown: settle down now class ....now christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in the year of ??? 


students:thank god....she soo damn nosey...triflin ass....she get on my nerves


okay so im skipping to lunch then its goin to be gym...

o and by the way

autumn look like zendaya Colman


shai'lee look like karrueche tran

autumn: aye look who checking you out???

shai'lee:who..ooo roc

autumn:how he look to you???

shai'lee: he look aight ....I mean he aint ugly he looks good but he not my type.

autumn:  because he a player

shai'lee :and he kind of annoying

autumn:how ?

shai'lee:I mean like think about it he bothers you just soo you can hop in bed with him....thats annoying

autumn:shhhh he coming over here

roc: hey beautiful girls...

shai'lee: hey roc...

roc : soo I was thinking about me and you at my place after school

shai'lee: naa ill pass

roc: you sure ?

give all my love to you(roc royal mindless behavior story)Where stories live. Discover now