Thinking About Him is The Worst..

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           (Just a warning! This chapter may be triggering it mentions bullying abuse and suicide so plz read at your own risk. I also thought this song would be perfect

            Flashback: 2 1/2 years ago(there 16 by the way!)
       "Hey Dylan! What's up brother from another mother!" I said to my best friend Dylan Jackson. We have been friends since Pre-K. We are Freshmen this year. The year is almost over end it hasn't went very well for Dylan. He has been getting bullied since a rumor went around that Lillian Gallen had to get an abortion because of his actions. Now everyone hates on him. Stuff at his house isn't going good either. He dad when he is drunk and angry he hits his son! His very own son! After all this Dylan hasn't been the same. He wears all black or navy and hoodies. He rarely speaks and his grades are dropping. And I didn't know today would had been my last day with him. 

       " So after school the court or we can go to my house?" I said trying to cheer this guy up. He used to thrive for the game know he barley remembers any of it. "Um actually I'm going to my moms after school and I have to watch my sister Um Mya," he said with unclearness in his voice. "Oh do you want me to come and help?" I said I used to always help with Mya, but now I never see the cutie. "NO! I mean I've got it.. here," he hand me a note I start to open it and he slaps my hand! "OW! What the fuck Dylan!" I said punching his arm. "Don't read it yet read it when I text you, promise me you will not read it until I tell you promise?" He said holding out his fist to bumped on it. I sighed "Okay I promise I will not read it until you text me," "Ok well see you around he yelled then he ran home as my brother picked me up in his car. "Chase hey does Dylan need a ride hey what's this as he grabbed the note out of my hand.
" NO! Hey give that back I promised Dylan I wouldn't read it until he texts me too! I bro promised! Don't open it! MAX!" I yell tying to grab it then he opens and reads it. I hear him sniffing then he drops the note and floors it." MAX! Are u trying to kill us what is going on?! Hey did you hear me?! Max what did the note say!? MAX!" I'm screaming at my brother. He steps on the break then says "We need to get to Dylan fast where is he going? Where Chase?!" "Um his moms why??" I question him worried about Dylan.

          "You may never see Dylan breathe again." Max says then steps on it.

       We go to his moms house then I knock on the door. "Hi Mrs. Jackson is Dylan here??" I asked her looking in her house. "Um no I'm sorry he is at his dads right now sorry Chase hope I see you soon then she shuts the door. "We need to get to his dads fast!"I say as Max floors it.
       As we pull in the driveway my phone ding and I read
  Dylan:U can read the note now... bye Chase see u soon
   I screamed"NO!!! NO!!!!!! Then I run up to there front door as Max follows the door is already wide open. "DYLAN?! WHERE THe FUCK ARE YOU BRO?! DYLAN!" I screamed then I hear glass break in the bathroom. " DYLAN!" I run up stairs then Max breaks the door and I see it. "DYLAN NOOOO!"
     He slit he wrist with razor blades and broke the glass in the mirror took 10 painkillers and now he is dead. Max is sobbing then he dials 911 "Hello 911 what is your emergency?" "My brothers friend committed suicide you need to come quick" Max says into the phone. Then I pull the note out and read  

    "Dear Chase, we have been buds for a while. I just wanna say thanks and goodbye I don't want to live I will not. Promise me you will not mourn or cry about me at my funeral, we guess I will see you in heaven bud. Goodbye
     Your #1 bud, Dylan Mathew Jackson.
The ambulance came then shoved him in a body bag as I hugged Max I thought I will not be weak I will not cry. The funeral was beautiful but closed casket as they lowered him in the ground I thought "the last time I saw my friend he was dead and I will never forget that"

      And I never did forget about him or that terrible moment. 

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was so sad I needed something crazy in this and I got it! I literally teared up writhing some of this  I hoped you enjoyed how long it was! Ps: it was over 850 words in this chapter I'm so proud! Well gtg bye! XOXO~Sarah🤓

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