Past Curfew...

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                             Selena's POV:
  As me Chase and Alex all make it down the stairs I scream "MOM!! MOM!!! Where are u?!" I scream then she comes back inside with our dog Lilac. "Hey baby, I heard some screams need something?" Mom says as we all have panic in our eyes. "Mom.. Chase had to be home an hour ago his mom is going to spazz out! And why are you laughing?" I said to her as she burst into laughter. "I'm sorry sweetie, but after you all passed out Chase's mom called and I told her what happened and that you were asleep, so she just said to say here for the night since her and Max will not be home tonight," my mom said as we all sighed in unison. "Did she say where they were going? Like at all?" Chase questioned my mom trying to get it out of her but she shrugged her shoulders and said "I don't know.. why don't you give her a call?" "Um ok I will be back," he said taking the phone walking back upstairs to my bedroom, this isn't going to go over well is it?

                               Chase's POV:
After I walk up the stairs I dialed the number then I heard to rings then her voice "Laynee Carroll speaking?" "H-hi mother. It's Chase." I said then it went silent. "Oh so now you are going to call! C'mon Mason you are better than this! Leaving earlier, with Chanel of all people! Shit Mason I need to go we will "talk" about this when we get back! "'Ok mother, by the way where are you?" "None of your business child! Geez you are so nosy!" She yelled in my ear. "Ok mother I love-BEEP BEEP BEEP you," I say but then she hangs up before I finish then I give the phone back to Chanel. "So where are they?" She asked me. Shit I need to come up with something! "Um they are going cake tasting for the wedding with Ana! Yea that's it!" I said as Selena glares at me. Can she see I'm lying? Damn she is good! What?! No I'm not falling for Selena! No no no no no no.. maybe?

Hey guys! So sorry about the shouldn't chapter I just needed to get one up so I thought this would be ok! Sorry if it bores your mind till u wish you could fix everything! Oh well! XOXO~Sarah🤓

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