Chapter 3

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I was jolted from my bed by someone pounding on the door of my apartment. I sleepily looked through the peephole, and saw a face that struck immediate terror in me.

"Megan, I know your in there. Open the door or I'll break it down," John McKay shouted. I called the Police, immediately.

"Go away, John. The Police are on their way." I was so scared, and shaking like a leaf. Liliana awoke from the commotion, and was frightened by this male stranger shouting through the door.

"Well, I'll talk to you through the door. I want my daughter back, unless you give me $500,000 dollars. I will fight you for custody, and I'll win." He let out a scary laugh.

"I don't have that kind of money and Liliana is my daughter. I adopted her legally, five years ago." I wasn't going to let him bully me. She was clinging to me and crying.

"Check your paperwork, sweetheart. I didn't sign on the correct line. Therefore, I never signed my daughter over for adoption. I can take her back whenever I want, and I will be back." He spit out each word vehemently.

"You have good friends at Corwin Development Corporation. You know Chancellor Corwin and his brother, Alex. I've been watching you. That sum of money is nothing for them. You can get the money from them, or I get Liliana back." He knew information from my past, that he could use to bribe me. I gulped and a cold chill went through my entire body.

"Mommy, who is that m-man, and is he really going t-to take me away?" Liliana, was stuttering and her teeth were chattering from being so afraid. She shivered in my arms.

"Shhh, no. . . he's not going to take you away. It's alright sweetheart." I spoke soothingly to her, as I rubbed her back.

By the time the police came, he was gone. I filed a complaint and they told me what my legal rights were. But they couldn't do much with John McKay not here.

He and his wife were not fit parents. That's how I got to adopt Liliana. He has several other children, and he signed papers that allowed me to adopt her. So I thought.

I called the first man I've ever trusted. "Hello Alex. I'm sorry to bother you, but something very disturbing happened this morning. " I started babbling the whole story about John McKay's shocking visit this morning.

"He said he is going to take Liliana from me and he's unfit. She's my whole world, Alex. What am I going to do?" I was still on edge, and very afraid of his threat.

His voice was calm. "Megan, listen to me. . .I'm coming to get you and Liliana. Start packing enough clothes to last for one week, or more. This John McKay, will not take Liliana from you. I will not let that happen." He needed me to listen to him, and to focus.

"My brother, Brandon, is a lawyer. Chance comes home today. Pack her movies, toys, and any important papers that you need. I'll see you in a half hour." Alex reassured me, and took complete control of the situation. I'm so happy I called him. Now I feel like Liliana and I are not alone.

Alex came to get us and I flew into his arms. I was so happy to see him. He held me, as my nerves were overwrought and I broke down. He stroked my hair and wiped my tear streaked face. He held Liliana in one arm, at the same time.

"Mr. Alex, please don't let that mean man take me away from my mommy. I'm scared of him." She began to cry. My heart ached hearing, and seeing her so upset.

Alex became visibly angry, but changed his countenance for Liliana. "Shhh sweetie, I will not let that man take you away from your mommy." He spoke soothingly to her.

Alex packed everything in his car, and put Liliana in her booster seat. He kissed the top of her head. That gave me my first moment to smile today.

He gave me a comforting hug. Then, he leaned down and brushed his lips against mine before I got in the car. We drove away from my apartment. He held my hand, as every nerve ending in my body relived the tender kiss that he gave me.

"Everything is going to be okay. I called my secretary, and told her I'm taking a few days off from work. I don't want to leave you and Liliana alone, while this nutcase is around. We'll get security too." Alex blew out an agitated breath.

I looked over at him. "Where are we going? I never asked."

"I'm taking you someplace you'll both be safe—my mother's house. It's in a suburb outside of the City. I explained the situation to her. She is thrilled to have you and Liliana stay with her, until we straighten this all out." Alex was speaking calmer than I knew he felt.

"My brother, Brandon, is coming to go over your adoption paperwork. Chance and Avalon are coming over my mom's house, when they get back in town today. You are not going to work, until this is over. I just want you to be safe." He interlaced his fingers with mine and brought my hand to his lips, as he continued driving.

All I could manage was, "Okay." I leaned in and kissed his cheek. I couldn't believe he was doing all of this for me and Liliana. It felt like we were his family and I could no longer hold back the tears, that had been threatening since we left.

We arrived at Mrs. Corwin's stately home, in a quiet suburban area. The lawn was manicured, and landscaped to perfection. The house was huge and magnificent. I felt like Liliana and I were on vacation in Beverly Hills.

Mrs. Corwin, met us outside at the car and welcomed us. Alex did the introductions and she shushed him. "I know who Megan and Liliana are. I remember them from Chance and Avalon's wedding."

"It's lovely to see you, I wish it were under different circumstances. But I'm happy you're here.  Look at this beautiful child, I remember you as the loveliest flower girl, that I have ever seen."  Mrs. Corwin smiled genuinely at Liliana and I. What's gotten into her?

Alex unloaded his car while we followed Mrs. Corwin inside the house. The house looked as amazing, as I imagined it would. It was very elegant. I was so appreciative to have a place of refuge for a few days to regroup.

"Make yourselves at home, I'll show you to your rooms upstairs. The cook is preparing our lunch. If you need anything, my staff is at your service. Come, lets get you settled before lunch."  She was so hospitable to us, and made us feel truly welcome.

Brandon, arrived soon after we did and I had a quick introduction to him. He wanted to look over my adoption paperwork, right away. I handed him the folder of everything that I remembered to bring with me, and he got right to work.

This family is very impressive and formidable. I'm glad they're on my side.

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