Chapter 4

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"Well," DJ sighed. "This is fucking great." But we both fell deadly silent when we heard some banging  on the door. Luckily, there was a big locker space, so we both hid in it. After we got in and closed the locker door, the big Variant that called DJ and I "little pigs" busted down the doors. As he busted down the doors, I was terrified as all hell. I hugged DJ tightly (not to where DJ could be in pain), closed my eyes and tried to not hear the Variant talking.

"You were there, weren't you?" The Variant growled. "Little pigs. I'll find you whores." The Variant left.

"Holy shit!" DJ sighed. "That was fucking close. Too fucking close." Then he looked at me. "You can let go of me Nick."

"DJ," I said while softly crying. "I need you to promise me something. Promise to protect us. Please." I cried harder. "I don't want anybody to hurt you. You've already been hurt too much when we were younger. I don't want you to get hurt even more."

DJ didn't know what to say, but then he said, "I will Nick. Don't worry. We won't get hurt. We won't die. And I won't get hurt. I promise." DJ hugged me after he said that. I was blushing a little bit, but I stopped crying.

"Thank you," I replied while wiping my eyes. After letting go, we had to try and get to the basement to turn on the generator and bring the power back. We knew where the basement was because we saw a descending stairway. When we made it to the bottom, we had to tread through a flooded basement. Thankfully, the water level in the basement wasn't too high, but I should've considered wearing my old shoes.

As we kept treading, we heard someone saying "who's there?" We both kept quiet and tried reducing the noise our feet were making until we reached the generator. I turned it on and the power came back on. We were going back to the lobby but then a Variant busted down a door like the Wolf from the "3 Little Pigs".

"Aw shit fuck," I sighed. "We're getting pursued again."

"In the locker," DJ said as he got in. I got in the locker with him and closed the door. Like the last time, I hugged DJ again, I closed my eyes and tried to block out the noise. "You're a fuckboi Nick."

"No I'm not," I whispered. "I just come to you when I feel bad. Or when I feel like hitting on you."

"That is the exact definition of fuckiboi," DJ replied. We waited for a noise to happen, but no noise came out. "I guess we can come out. And you can let me go Nick."

"You're so soft," I blushed. DJ just made a weird look on his face and I let go of him. There was another generator that we had to push. But after pushing the button for the generator, we heard pounding on the door. But instead of hiding the lockers, we hid behind a radiator and waited until the Variant went away. 

But when we came out, the Variant was looking for us. We had to stay quiet and get out. But the Variant got suspicious when he heard the sounds of us walking through the water. We got spotted by him and we ran for our lives. Luckily when we went into a room, there was a locker for us to hide in. We hid in there until the Variant went away. 

We turned on the last switch and made our way back to Security Control while avoiding the Variants. When we got in the Security Control room, DJ tried turning on the power, but we got attacked by that same priest who turned the power off.

His name was Father Martin. He and his assistant named Father Daniel injected us with some stuff that knocked us out. Father Daniel was wearing the same clothing as Father Martin, but Father Daniel looked like he was in his mid-thirties. We assumed that Father Daniel was younger.

"My deepest apologies," Father Martin apologized. "But you need to see something." He and Father Daniel turned our heads. What we saw was some entity killing all the SWAT officers. We both went unconscious as Father Daniel and Father Martin dragged us.

Note: I made up the character Father Daniel.

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