Genin Days- The Wave

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The bell test was the least of his worries. Like seriously, he could have done that test with my eyes closed. Is this the standard that Konoha's genin need to pass? He bet his katana that the cloud's civilians could do this without any limbs. Jiji's gone soft. Too soft.

"You sound like Danzo, kit".

"Pfft, it's the truth. And stop lumping me with that old coot!"

"How long are you going to keep this up?"

"I told you Kuruma, as long as I need to. As long as my Hokage and Weasel requires it."

"But think about yourself! There are cracks everywhere in your brain! And I don't need to be inside you to know that! Even the dog boy-"

"Its Kiba, Kuruma. And I told you I'm fine! Now shut up cause you're making me look weird."

He closed his eyes, darkness washing up on him. He could faintly smell cinnamon buns in the distance along with a hint of lavender. He picked up the slight rustling of the foliage near him and slouched against the tree, relaxing his shoulder blades. He gave a feral grin as he felt a pair of lips on his cheek and something heavy on his hand. Enjoying the moment of euphoria, he let his thought wander to his memories. His nearly non-existent happy memories. If it wasn't for ANBU, he would have either contemplated suicide or rogue.

The smell of the Dim Sims overwhelmed him, his mind slightly clogged with the thoughts of the delectable breakfast. Quickly, he lifted his heavy eyelids and uncovered the little bundle in his hand, devouring the delectable, homemade breakfast. He ignored the loud screeches that resonated through the forest and licked his fingers cleaned. They haven't spotted him yet. Good.

Finally. Some peace. Something I didn't feel much of.

Humming a dark tune he heard from one of his missions, he jumped down, his serene expression changing into a bright, overjoyed smile.

Here we go again.

"Good luck! *Chowing down some Bok Choy and Popcorn*"

Naruto took a deep breath....


Thus, his moment peace was interrupted by Duckbutt's hn of satisfaction and Sakura 'violent' punch.

"Dam it. Dam life." (A.N Dam Maths Homework!)

Kuruma simply guffawed at the reference. Of course he replied with:

"I want to use that dam katana to slice their heads off"


"Overdid it again Kuruma."

"It was a very engaging act though"

"For you! Do you know how many twigs I have in my-"

"Hush. Listen to your elders."

"Uhuh. And if I did that, I would be as perverted as you and Ero-Sennin."

".....No comment."

"Now, my duo troublemakers, lets be on our merry way and leave the demon to tend to his injury."

'Ouch. That hurt right here Kakashi.'

Choosing to ignore that snarky comment, he swiftly got up, nursing a bump on his head. If anyone was to look closely, a flash of annoyance and melancholy streaked through his face before it was carefully masked by a jubilant expression.


"I could frickin careless."


-Timeskip brought to you by Kaneki's White hair....-

"Alright, so we have weeding the Hyuga's gardens, painting Mr Takashi's fence, helping Team 8 with taming the Inuzuka dogs while taming them...."

'That doesn't sound bad' Naruto thought as he tuned out his Grandfather.

"We'll take the Tora one." A voice broke through his musings.

"Okay that go-WAIT WHAT?!"


"So that you do actually wok, de-Naruto."

Now that is what Naruto liked called a close shave with death. Even though Kakashi was an ignorant prat, he would like to remain civil and humane towards his haters. He groaned dramatically and sauntered slowly towards the door.

"Tch, I hate this mask."

"And can I make this day worse by reminding you that Tora hates us?"

"This is going to be such a long day."



All the ANBU there stifled their laughs at their commander's antics. Naruto discreetly glared at the stormy corners of the room. The atmosphere thickened. Their poor commander had twigs and leaves all tangled in his golden locks that were coated in dried mud. His whiskers were prominent against the many scratch marks that blemished his usually tanned skin. The only thing that Naruto felt accomplished about was the ruined jacket that was barely clinging onto the fibres of the material.

Sasuke and Sakura were faring much better, the latter holding the petrified feline in a cage. The smug faces irked Naruto but he didn't show it. Kakashi was at the back, giggling like an idiot at the stupid smut his Godfather wrote. Kuruma and him facepalmmed at the stupidity of Kakashi.

He swiftly fixated his glare onto the Hokage which hardened into a cold emotionless stare. The Hokage, unaffected by his top ANBU's exclamation, slouched back, grinning slightly.

"I have the perfect mission for you. Do you think that they are ready, Kakashi?"

"Yes. Except Nar-"The Hokage silenced him with a glare.

"Very well, let the client enter in."


Hey Guys Whassup. Its DrakonSlayerNP and this is my new book The Hidden. Do whatever you want in the comments-IDC! Oh and check out Dasupernerd's new book ( Even though its like....not stories but random facts). The video up is one of my favourite songs-Obsession by Boyfriend( Yes its Kpop) and please give me feedback...since I suck at writing.

I do not own Naruto. If I did, the whole series would have been sucky as.

Ja Ne!


Edit: Shut up and laugh with me at Naruto's poor misfortune.

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