Klance AU pt.9

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It's long and there's kissing but no smut. I'm sorry but I can't write smut 😭 anyways, should I rewrite this into an actually story with chapters or should I leave it here for someone else?


Pidge and Hunk create their own alcohol and decide to test it on Keith to see if it works (and they want him to confess to Lance). They give it to him, saying that it's juice or something and he gets delirious instantly. He looks at them and bursts out laughing mixed with hiccups for almost 5 minutes and when he settles down, he notices that Pidge and Hunk are staring at him. He looks at them for a minute then says "what y'all starin at?" In an accent. Pidge is laughing and Hunk is staring at Keith because he's never heard him talk like that before. And right then is when Lance decides to walk through the door. "What's so funny Pidge?" Then he looks over at Keith and notices that he's really red from the alcohol. Lance, out of his big brotherly instinct, goes to check Keith's temperature. "What're ya doin?" Asks Keith. Lance completely flips out and looks at Pidge for an explanation but she's started laughing all over again. Lance then looks over to Hunk who has by now broken out of his shock and explains to Lance that Keith is drunk on their concoction. Hunk also explains that Keith once told him that his dad had an accent like that but he must have trained himself to talk in a normal dialect. Lance shoots a disapproving glance at Pidge who has started to calm down and attempts to pick Keith up. Keith doesn't put up much of a struggle, seeing as he is almost completely passed out already. "What the hell did they give you?" Lance says to no one in particular, not expecting a response. "They said they wanted me to try out their new juice. It ain't no juice I've ever tried." Keith says, still in his accent. Lance snorts out a laugh while trying to open Keith's door to his room. It opens and keith groans, flopping in Lance's arms like a rag doll, making himself ten times heavier for Lance. Lance yelps from the sudden change in weight and falls into the bed with Keith still in his arms. Keith is now completely passed out and snuggling unconsciously onto a flustered Lance. Lance try's to wriggle out of Keith's grasp but gives up after Keith tightened his grip. They both end up sleeping there for the night. When Lance opens his eyes, the only thing he sees are Keith's wide eyes staring back at him. They're face to face and wrapped up in each other's limbs. Lance squeals and attempts to get up, only to be trapped my Keith's legs. He looks up at Keith wth questioning eyes only to find Keith is still staring at him. "Please don't tell me that you're still drunk." Lance says, face palming. Keith furrows his eyebrows but continues to stare wordlessly at Lance. "I dunno what ya's talkin bout." Lance only sighs and successfully removes Keith's legs from his waist. "I'm gunna go get you some water. Stay here and don't break anything." Lance gets up and leaves Keith in his room in favor of going to the kitchen to get both of them some food and water. It was early so Lance wasn't expecting Hunk and Pidge to be sitting at the table but life is full of surprises. Pidge was the first to notice Lance in the doorway. She smirked and said, "So, how was it? Sleeping with your crush, I mean." Lance just rolled his eyes and smiled at Hunk who smiled back. "Hey chef, could I get some goo and two glasses of water please?" Hunk nodded quickly, his face still carrying the same smile, and got to work. Lance chatted with Pidge for a while then decided that he had kept Keith waiting long enough. He grabbed the plates and the glasses that Hunk had set in front of him, saying his thank you's and goodbye's before walking through the long and complicated halls once again. When Lance opened the door, he nearly dropped the dishes at what was before him. Keith, butt naked, had dragged all of the blankets and pillows off of the bed and make a makeshift nest and laid in it, but that wasn't even the worst part! Keith had big fluffy purple ears and a long fluffy purple tail with small purple splotches all over him. Keith had apparently heard the door open and Lance step in because he got up to where he was sitting on his feet, looking up at Lance. The world had stopped. Everything was frozen. Lance had attempted to lay his eyes on Keith's usually beautiful purple eyes but, they weren't there. What Lance was seeing now were two big, golden and very galran eyes. He screamed. It was a very high pitched, feminine scream that could have shaken the halls. Lance didn't scream because he was scared, no. Lance screamed because he had just realized something that he never wanted to believe. Keith is absolutely gorgeous! Lance quickly set down the dishes and locked the door so no one else who had heard his scream would run over and see a naked Keith. Meanwhile, Keith's now super sensitive ears had flattened to his head because of the girly scream that had erupted from the man in front of him. He saw Lance had a frantic look on his face as he quickly set the dishes that he was previously holding, onto the desk beside him and turned to close and lock the door. Lance didn't know what he was doing. His body was moving on its own. He walked up to Keith and pushed him down so he sank further into the blankets. He held Keith's hands above his head and hovered over him, with his legs on either side of Keith's hips, his face barely a few millimeters away from Keith's. They both just sat there and stared at each other with eyes filled with lust, that is, until Lance's mind caught up with his body. His face erupts with fire as he tries to stutter an apology and a reason for his actions. Lance loosens his grip on Keith's wrists as he begins to get up, until Keith grabs his neck and pulls Lance into a long, slow, and passionate kiss, both of their lips moving in a slow and comfortable dance. Lance deepens the kiss by subtly biting Keith's bottom lip, begging for entrance. Keith gives it to him, but not without a bite of his own. When Keith opens his mouth to allow Lance in, Keith takes the opportunity to nibble and suck on Lance's tongue, earning a long but quiet moan from the other boy. Everything falls apart from there. As Keith started pulling at Lance's pants, the other paladins plus Allura finally get the door open. The world everyone except Lance and Keith freeze to try and take in the situation. Lance and Keith both hear the door open and he awkward stuttering of their friends but they don't care, until Coran's voice comes through the speakers of the castle. Of course there has to be a Galra attack now of all times.


It goes on from there but I was getting tired and it was getting worse. Also, if you're reading my Klance❤️💜💙 story, yes, I'm not dead and I am working on it. If anyone has time. Could someone comment the spelling errors I've made here? I'm to lazy to revise.
Thanks for reading!
Until next time, my Dorks.

Word Count: 1297

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