2 Weeks and 3 Days After the Battle of Yavin.

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Rebel flagship, Home One, Medical Bay.

She has to find out what happened from everyone else afterwords; the evacuation from Scarif, the eventual destruction of the Death Star and the medal ceremony. Of course, she wasn't awake for those events.

When Jyn Erso finally wakes up, she's told by medics that she spent the entirety of that time in a coma and that the Death Star was blown up by a one in a million-shot fired by some young pilot. The medal ceremony rewarded him and a few others although Jyn couldn't remember their names. She's also told that herself and everyone else in the battle of Scarif were honoured at the end of the ceremony. One of those people being Bodhi Rook.

Jyn learned that Bodhi was taken off Scarif as soon as possible and was transported to the nearest rebel ship to receive medical treatment. Jyn didn't know what happened to him and what he'd received treatment for, but she did know that he was alive, okay and had already been offered a job in the rebellion as a pilot. He accepted and had been sent out on a field mission shortly after. Jyn didn't know where he was, and she hadn't seen him since Scarif, but she knew he was alright and that thought gave her some peace of mind.

As for herself, Jyn seemed to be recovering well; or so she's told by medics. She knew she was recovering physically, her injuries healing up and bruises disappearing, but Scarif had left her with nightmares that she couldn't get rid of.

Mentally, Jyn was far from being okay. The medics said that PTSD was a common side effect that surfaced after someone went through a certain trauma. She'd been given medicine for it, but it didn't seem to help that much.

Jyn had been through so much hardship in her life that any attempts to help her forget these things were futile and as a result, nightmares plagued Jyn's mind.

Every time she closed her eyes she was met with flashes of smoke and the haunting man in white, sounds of blaster fire accompanying them. The strong, smoky smell of burning debris mixed with the salty air from the sea. She could still see the bright emerald light and hear the rumbling of distant thunder. His grip tightening on her...


Jyn often found herself thinking about Cassian Andor, but she wished she didn't as it only caused her more pain.

She knew that they had been together when they were extracted from Scarif; it was the last thing Jyn remembered before going into her coma. They were only very faint memories, images that flashed through her mind every now and then, but she still remembered them.

The memories were blurry, and it was as if they moved in slow motion. Jyn had heard muffled shouting and the loud sound of a ship's engine joined by the feeling of being lifted and put down on a cold metallic floor, a low-level ringing in her ears. Cassian was placed next to her completely unconscious.

His injuries had been severe and Jyn knew that. She remembered feeling as though she was slipping, drifting in and out of consciousness. Her eyes travelled down to his hand which had been left at his side and with great difficulty, Jyn reached out and lightly took his hand in hers.

That's where the memory ended.

The next thing she remembered was waking up in the med bay, her body aching and sore. Cassian wasn't there when she woke up and even though she asked the medics over and over again where he was, for some reason no one gave her an answer. Eventually she gave up once she realised no one was going to tell her anything. But that didn't stop her mind from wondering.

Ever since she woke up, Jyn had been living in this world of uncertainty, the only member of the Rogue One squadron she'd been told about being Bodhi.

The pain came from the trouble of not knowing whether or not Cassian and the others were alive. Jyn listed off their names in her head, visualising their faces as best she could: Cassian, Chirrut, Baze. She had no idea if any of them were alright, and it tortured her.

As soon as she had woken up a few days ago she tried to leave her room to go find them but because her legs hadn't been used in weeks, they were dead weight and she ended up falling to the floor with a crushing blow. Her ribcage had been hurting her since.

Jyn knew she had no choice but to wait. Wait to get better, wait to hear news, wait for anything.

She was so confined to her little room that with each passing day she became more impatient. She took the medicine, but it didn't calm her even a little bit. Medics came and went checking her vitals and making sure she was recovering accordingly. She hardly talked, only answering the questions the medics asked her about her health. Soon she could start walking properly again and Jyn found herself pacing the length of the room frequently, her mind constantly going through her list of names: Cassian, Chirrut, Baze.

Jyn had to know if they were alright. She had to.

Finally, a week after she'd woken up, there was a soft knock at her door.

Jyn had been sitting on the edge of her bed but stood up when she heard the door knock. The kind medic with dark eyes, dark skin, and black curls, the one who had helped her when she fell to the floor, was standing in the opening of the doorway. Jyn looked at her expectantly. The last time she was here she'd been kind enough to tell Jyn about Bodhi, but this time all she gave her was a slight smile.

"Jyn," the medic said. "Mon Mothma requests to see you."

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