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You know what really grinds my gears?

When someone says Eliza wasn't strong or "feminist enough" to divorce Hamilton when the Reynolds Pamphlet was released. Firstly, she is a woman in the late 1700s of which does not get the same rights as men and in the case of a divorce it was generally the man initiating it and either way the case went the woman would normally be the one blamed regardless.

If she had divorced there would've been a good chance her children would have been taken away from her and if they weren't it's not like there was stable child support or shared custody. She had eight (seven- rip Philip) children! One of the worst things she could have done was divorce Alexander, lose the only source of income she had, and the good life she could've given to her children.

I believe she's pretty God damned strong to stay with Hamilton after all the shit he put her through and then made the most of it. And let's not forget in real life she really did burn all the love letters he ever wrote to her. So it's not like she just bowed down when shit got real.

Thank you for tolerating my rant. X

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