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       To say that the principal was mad would be an understatement. Principal Murray was furious with us as we all congregated in his small office for the remainder of lunch. It was crowded and warm, but he didn't seem to care as he yelled at us.

       He told us that all of our parents would or had been notified of the fight and had been told that we would be staying after school for the next week for detention. They planned to have us do random projects, but for today it would just be like a study period. Principal Murray said that we were lucky that none of us were going to be suspended and to take our detentions seriously. If we didn't show up or caused any issues, we would be suspended.

       I ended up having an art class as my last one for the day and I groaned when I had to enter the room late. I had now been late to two classes today. Luck would also have it that I ended up having the class with Travis and he sat down at the same table with me. For the rest of the class, he made sure to keep his distance, most likely sensing my grumpy mood. I felt a little guilty for taking out my frustration on him because I knew that it wasn't his fault that I had intervened earlier, but the rational part of my brain couldn't persuade my irrational side to understand. So, I kept to myself until the bell rang and then hurried to the girl's bathroom so that I could calm the frustration tormenting my brain.

       It's okay, I thought to myself. You didn't get suspended and it won't go on your record, Harley. You're going to be fine.

       Upon entering the room where they would be holding detention, I found that I was the last to arrive. The bullies from earlier were clustered in a group near one side of the classroom, appearing as if this detention was no big deal to them. I saw my neighbors huddled around a table on the opposite side of the room from the others and I felt their unnerving attention following me as I walked up to the instructor at the front of the classroom and handed her my green detention slip. I avoided eye contact with everyone as I moved to an empty table near the back of the room. I could still feel their eyes on me as I sat facing the instructor, though.

       "Well, I guess that's everyone. Now, you are only to do homework and nothing else. I don't want to catch any of you with your phones out and I don't want to hear any chatting or else you will be moved. The only exception is that you can listen to music, but only if you have headphones." She then walked out of the classroom and shut the door. She wasn't going to stay after giving us rules?

       I mentally shrugged and fished in my bag for my headphones and notebook. I played some alternative rock while I doodled randomly on my notebook paper, transferring my anger on the page.

       My thoughts wandered back to the fight in the cafeteria. What had I been thinking jumping into their fight? It probably wouldn't have escalated had I not gotten involved. Well, at least that's what I liked to think. I didn't like people bullying others. Name calling was my biggest pet peeve and I knew that that's what had really pushed me forward to intervene. It had hit too close to home. Still, now I was going to get into so much trouble when I got home and for what? Stopping some guys having a pissing match?

       I huffed out a heavy sigh and tossed my pen on top of my doodles. I rubbed the back of my neck gingerly, trying to relieve some of the tension building there, but it didn't seem to be working. Closing my eyes, I tried to relax under my fingers as my mind drifted again. Maybe I'd just take a nap.

       A soft tap on my arm brought me back to the present and my eyes snapped open.

       Cody stood next to my table, looking down at me with a frown. I raised my eyebrows at him and removed my headphones, wondering what he wanted. He stood there for another moment as he studied me and I felt uncomfortable with his scrutiny. I stared back, though, not understanding what he was looking for, but refusing to show intimidation.

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