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The moment he was gone, I snatched up my phone.

Harley: I need to talk to you!!!! HELP!

I knew it was late, but I still hoped that Sarah was up. I couldn't handle the overwhelming thoughts and emotions charging my bloodstream. Hopefully she could help me sort them out.

It took less than a minute before my phone was buzzing in my hands.

"Sarah!" I whisper-yelled into the phone, eyeing my door. My mom was most likely a zombie at this point and wouldn't be coherent enough to know what's going on around her, but that didn't make me any less paranoid.

"What's up?" she asked, her voice softer than usual. I guessed that she was also trying to be quiet.

I let out a troubled breath. "Sarah, I think that I did something stupid tonight."

She was quiet for a moment. "You didn't have sex, did you?"

I choked. "What? No!"

"Okay! Okay. I was just checking."

I shook my head even though she couldn't see me. "No, I didn't have sex." I bit my lip. I wasn't against the idea, but that was something I would have to think about later. "I kissed Cody. Or more like, he kissed me."

More silence. "Aren't you going to the dance with Nathaniel?"

"Yes!" I groaned. "Can you see why I need help? I don't understand what all of this means!"

"Well, it sounds like you have a couple admirers," she said with a smile in her tone.

"Are you smiling?" I growled playfully, taking the salve Cody had left and setting it on my nightstand. "Are you seriously smiling at my pain?"

"Maybe." After a small chuckle she added, "But that's beside the point. Tell me what happened."

And so I did. I told her about how Cody had shown up and come into my room. I replayed every detail about my evening, including the kiss.

"Wow," she murmured. There was more rustling and it sounded like she was turning over. "But he didn't ask you to be his girlfriend?"

"No." Fiddling with the corner of my pillow I said, "He didn't."

She hummed to herself while she thought that over. "You should talk to him then. See what his thoughts are about it. Men aren't always the best at expressing their thoughts."

I chuckled. "And you know this from experience?" I teased.

She laughed into the phone. "Psh, my dad would disown me if I ever had experience."

That brought up another thought. "Hey, did you think over my proposition anymore?"

"Yeah, I don't know. I really want to, but what if I get caught?"

I flopped onto my back to stare up at my ceiling.

"Ugh," I said with a groan. This was exactly why I didn't want to date right now. This was exactly why it was easier to spend time in my own introverted world of books and movies. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Well, that depends on what you want to do." She paused and I could hear some rustling on the other end of the phone. I had most likely woken her up. "Personally, I think you just need to talk to him."

"You're right," I agreed, slipping under my covers. "Well, thanks for talking to me. Sorry if I woke you up."

She laughed. "You're fine. You can call me anytime."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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