ch.1 : annoying alarms and strong friends.

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"UGGGGH!" I moaned as I reluctantly turned off my alarm. Why I haven't changed my alarm, DON'T ASK ME. I wiped the drool off my mouth and sat up, staring at my plain, white wall.

Ah. I guess this is where I introduce myself, right?

Well, hi. My name is Bong Cha. Kim Bong Cha. I know, super ugly, thanks. I don't really know what my mom was thinking. I sound like a country bumpkin who works on the farm. Anyway, I live in Seoul, South Korea. I'm attending Seoul National University. I live away from my parents, in a small apartment ten minutes away from school. I bike my way there everyday.

And just like every other day, I dreaded going.

But that's a whole other topic. Right now, I have to get ready for my 9 am class.

A bike ride later.

"Everyone, please turn to page 67 in your books. I want you to memorize all those equations for your quiz next class," My Chemistry professor said. We all groaned, for this would be the fifth quiz in a row. Give me a break!

"I hate Chemistry, with a passion," I murmured to my friend, Hae Won.

"Yup, it shows in your grades too!" Hae Won said while she gave me a quick jab in the ribs.

"Thanks for reminding me."

"I'm serious though, Bong Cha. You've failed every quiz he gave us! What are you going to do when the exam comes up? We only have two...if you fail one, you'll definitely fail the class!"

"Oh great Hae Won, you just raised my blood pressure by a thousand! As if I don't know that! I'm trying my best here!"

"Well, you're going to have to try harder."

I didn't have a retort for her after that. I knew she was saying it for my own well-being, but I really was trying my best. I can't tell you how many all-nighters I've pulled. It just doesn't make sense to me. Maybe I'll talk to the teacher after class.

Bell rings.

"Good luck, Bong Cha!"

"Thanks!" I waved bye to Hae Won and stayed after class, waiting for all the students to leave. Just as the professor was about to leave, I caught his attention.

"Professor! Can I speak with you for a moment?"

He lowered his glasses to meet my gaze and then asked me what my name was to search me on his roster.

"Bong Cha, huh?"

"Yes, sir."

"Looks like you've been doing terribly. Are you sure you're in the right profession?"


"Um, sir?"

He readjusted his glasses before saying, "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just that to be a Pharmacist, you must have excellent Chemistry grades. And it's only going to get harder from here on out. i just wanted to be sure this is the field you want to be in. You like science?"


He shook his head. "As a Bio major, that's not the answer that you should have. Why do you want to become a Pharmacist? For the money?'

"Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't." I mean, it's true. It's what my parents drilled into my head for the longest time. And after time, I caved in to their wanting. Heck, I didn't really know what to do myself, so I figured Pharmacy would be the best option.

"Bong Cha. You have the wrong mindset. And I think that's why you aren't doing well. You have to have a passion for science, for the medical field, or at least a liking to it, if you want to excel. If not, you'll be aimlessly walking until you stumble and fall. Think about what you want to do, something that you love, and pursue that." And with that, he packed up his belongings and left, leaving me standing there, processing everything he just said.

As I started walking to my next class, I started realizing how right he was. How all this time, I never really thought about a profession. I was blindly just following my parents' will. But, then the question was, what the hell would I do??

"A make up artist!" Hae Won blurted out after we had finished all our classes. We sat down at a cafe and I had told her what the professor told me, and for the most part she agreed. "Sorry Bong Cha, but I never saw the drive for science in you. You just did it it, you know?"

"Thanks for telling me this now, Hae Won."

"I'm sorry, I never knew how to phrase it!"

"And what the hell? Make up artist? I don't even wear makeup!"

Her eyes lit up as she started to speak. Bong Cha. This is SEOUL. You can work for a K-Pop group!!" She clasped her hands and started getting that dreamy look. "Just imagine, working for super famous boy bands like BTS or EXO or SHINee and getting all up in their face!"

"Hae Won. You KNOW I hate K-Pop. I have no idea who any of those groups are."

I shouldn't have said that, because Hae Won punched me extra hard in the arm. "Shut UP Bong Cha. There's no way you can live in this city and NOT know who they are!"

"I mean, I might have heard of them here and there, but I don't pay any attention to them...Jeez woman, are your arms made of steel?" I rubbed my arm in pain.

"Hmph. What kind of woman are you?" Hae Won said in a puff.

"I think for now I'm just going to switch to Undecided. Take different classes and see which ones resonate with me."

"Hm, that's not a bad idea. Think about all the stuff you're good at! You can sing right?" Hae Won grinned before saying, "Well, you need to be pretty to get into the K-pop industry"

I punched her arm. "I never wanted to get in there anyway."

"Oww! Anyways, I have to go. But good luck with whatever you decide!"

As I rode my bike back home, I made a mental list of pros and cons. Continue my science education and basically fail my courses doing something I have no interest in, or go for something I'm actually good at. It didn't take too long for me to decide.

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