Ch. 15 Lost Dreams

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Reagan's POV

*beep* *beep*

Someone should really turn that thing off.

*beep* *beep*

Oh. My. Gosh. TURN IT OFF!

I open my eyes and turn my head to the left. I see a cute boy with his head on the side of my bed. He lifts his head.


He looks up at me with hopeful eyes. He smiles. I look at him with confusion. His smiles drops.

How does he know my name?

"Who are you?" I ask/sign.

"You don't know me?" He asks, his voice cracking on the end.

"Oh my God." He starts to cry, but then his sadness turns to anger.

He balls up his fists and his face turns red. He stands up, making his chair fly backwards. He walks out the door mumbling something about killing someone or at least hurting them really badly. The door slams, I jump a little. I look around and notice that there is flowers and balloons everywhere. The door opens again. Foster and 4 other people walk in behind him.

"Reagan!" A guy with blonde hair and brown roots shouts, while coming into the room and sitting down next to me.

"Uh, Foster who are these people?" I ask/sign to him.

"Don't you remember me? Your best guy friend? I'm Niall, remember?" Brown roots asks.

I just give Foster a confused look.

"Um, Liam, could you take the boys to find Louis?" Foster asks the guy with the brown puppy dog eyes, who I know is Liam.

Liam nods and walks out of the room with the other boys in tow. Once they are out of the room, Foster turns to me.


He comes over to the side of the bed and sits down. He grips my hand looks me in the eyes.

"What do you remember?" He asks.

"I remember Dad telling us that we were going on tour with some other band." I sign to him.

He rubs his hand over his face and then through his light brown hair.

"We are 1 month and few weeks into the tour into the tour." He says quietly.

"What?" I sign to him.

This can't be possible. I was just laying in my room the other day. I try and move my legs over the side of the bed, but I can't move one. I look down and lift the blanket off. I see a light blue cast from the knee down. I look at Foster and then back at my leg, practically asking him what happened.

"You probably won't remember him but, that Chris kid from Manchester snapped your leg when he stepped on it. He also gave you a cut on the top of your eyebrow and a lot of bruises." Foster says, starting to clench and un-clench his fists.


"He thinks you lied to him." Foster says, looking angrily at the floor.

I put my hand on his shoulder. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes.

"I know you didn't lie to him." Foster says.

"Why do you trust me so much?" I sign to him.

"Your my baby sister. I know what you've been through. I just don't want you to get hurt again." He says quietly.

"I'm only younger by a minute and a half." I sign.

"Your still younger." He retorts.

"Whatever," I look around, "What are we doing now?" I ask/sign.

"Well, you have vocal surgery in a day or 2." Foster says sheepishly.

"What! I'm getting my voice back?" I ask/sign excitedly.

"Yeah. Oh, I better get the doctor to see what's happening! I'll be right back." With that he is out the door.

I just sigh and look around the room. I look out the window and see tall buildings and other things you would see in a city. I wonder where I am? Have I been here before? I don't know. I need to make a mental note to remember to do that. I hear the door open and a doctor with honey brown hair walks in.

"So, Reagan I hear that you've lost some of your memory. Am I correct?" The doctor asks.

"I guess." I sign.

"OK. Well, I'm Dr. Vivian Winters. I'm your doctor for the time being." She says, I just nod.

"You are scheduled for vocal surgery at 5pm tonight. Would that be okay with you?" Vivian asks.

"I guess." I say, still not fully understanding what is going on.

"Okay, see you then. If you need anything please don't hesitate to ask." Vivian says before leaving.

I turn to Foster.

"So, where is this Chris from Manchester guy?" I ask/sign.

"Uh, he liked you and you didn't have boyfriend at the time, so he got your number and you got his. Then you didn't call him back and he got mad and found you here. He beat you and is in jail now for assault in the 1st and 2nd degree." Foster explains.

"Sounds like a douche." I sign.

He chuckles and goes to the door.

"You better rest, you're going to need it." He says, before leaving.

Sigh. I'm alone....again. Whatever. I just close my eyes and fall asleep.

I don't want tomorrow to come.

* * *

*beep* *beep*

What the?

*beep* *beep*

My eyes fly open and I see Louis coming into the room. He smiles at me.

"Good. Your awake. Your surgery is in a little bit. The doctors say nothing major happened to you other than a broken leg." He says.

"But...I lost...and you...what?" I sign, totally confused.

"You must have been dreaming." He says, coming and sitting next to me.

He grabs my hand and I squeeze it. Nervousness comes over me.

What if I don't make it? What if I loose to much blood? What if I actually lose my memory?

"Hey, you'll be fine. Everything will be fine." Louis comforts me almost like he can read my thoughts.

He leans over and kisses my temple. I pat the empty space next to me and he climbs up. He wraps his arms around me and I cuddle into his chest.

For the first time in my life I'm scared.


Sorry for such a short chapter, but its Easter and I wanted to give you an Easter present before it passed.

Well, anyway Happy Easter (if you celebrate it)


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