Chapter 9

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I woke up and felt my pillow slightly moving. Once my sight is less blurry, I look up and see Ethan's sleeping face. I sit up slowly so i don't wake him up and look around. I creep out of my room and walk downstairs to get food, seeing the back of my besties head and jumping on his back.
"Hey lex" I say, making my voice deeper and covering his eyes.
"Hey aidy, wanna invite Ethan and come hang out with me and Bailee?"
"Yeah, I'll go wake him up." Running up the stairs, I accidentally bump into Anthony.
"Sup toner"
"Sup" I get to my room and jump on Ethan.
"Wake uuuuppppppp" I kiss his face multiple times until he finally opens his eyes.
"Where am I?" He asks, confused making me giggle.
"Team 10 house, Jake said you could stay the night and you did!" He smiles and sits up making me roll over.
"I told Alex we could hang out with him and Bailee, that okay?" His face goes dim for a second before putting a smile on it.
"Of course, I'll go get dressed in the bathroom downstairs" He kisses my cheek before grabbing his bag and leaving the room. I get dressed in a black skirt with multi-colored lipstick kiss marks, a lilac shirt and my black keds before putting on my makeup and going downstairs.
"Heyyyyy bailleeeeee" I say like Travis in Aphmau. She giggles and we hug before we kiss each others cheeks.
"So what are we doing?" Ethan asks, having his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my head.
"A video!" Bailex says in unison making me giggle.
"Kind of like the chessa v. Jerika thing, except your jerika because you'll lose" Alex acts all smug making me smirk.
"Yeah right. I got Tessa blood which means we will win." I cling onto Ethan and Alex chuckles.
"We'll see about that. CHAD!" Chad runs in already in a host-like outfit.
"Follow me to the competition table." He leads us into the office and there's a sign that says 'BAILEX VS. EDEN' I giggle and ethan sits on our side. I walk up to sit by him when he grabs my waist and places me on his lap. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck, leaning back to lay on his shoulder.
"Welcome to the Marriage games Dating Edition! Last time we had Chessa and Jerika as our competitors and Chessa won. Today we have Bailex and Eden, Aiden here as you all know is Tessa's sister so let's see if she's like her. Now, I've been informed to keep this PG 13 so I will." Bailee and I giggle and smile at each other.
"First question: guys, what is your girl's favorite movie" Ethan instantly writes on down and I raise my eyebrow.
"Okay Bailee, what's your favorite movie?"
"I said The Parent Trap" Alex pouts and she holds his head.
"That's also my favorite, I've just been in a twilight mood"
"Can I have that point?" He asks Chad.
"No, Aiden what's your favorite?"
"Right now it's the Trolls movie." Ethan turns his over and it says Trolls.
"One point for Eden!"

"Alright it's 5 to 3 and this last round is three points" Ethan and I perk up, since we're 2 points behind.
"Who has the biggest fan base? Basically we're gonna look up #eden and #bailex go see which has more posts." Chad looks up Eden and Tristen looks up Bailex, is getting nervous.
"Eden is at 1,950,648 posts"
"Bailex is at 1,949,984 posts"
"And Eden wins with" Chad takes out his phone and goes to the calculator.
"664 more posts!" I jump up, squealing in excitement. Ethan grabs me by the waist and gives me a big kiss.
"Woah there guys, you're only 15" Chad chuckles and we look at Bailex.
"Told you Alex" I smile and he rolls his eyes before chuckling and congratulating us.
Oh my god I'm almost at 7k reads on this book! Sorry I haven't been updating I've just been really busy and writers' block sucks. If you all like David Dobrik's vlogs go read my newest book called It's a Little Bit Funny. Make sure you vote and comment!!!! Love you all and ciao~

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