Chapter 20: Begin the Brawl

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"VenomClan here, border, now, please?" Firesong's words silenced the camp. All eyes were on her until Cougarfang, from his spot on the Slanted Rock, finally broke the trance by ordering warriors around for battle.
Bigstar emerged from her den and she needn't ask around to know what was going on. "So VenomClan wants a fight, huh? We'll give them one. According to history, VenomClan always loses in the long run anyway!"
The two kits in the nursery poked their heads out of their mother's tail, watching as all the warriors gossiped about the battle and readied themselves for a fight.
"Are we going to war?" Midnightkit squeaked.
"Can we hear of it afterwards!?" Whitekit purred.
"S-Sure." Goldenray nuzzled them, pushing them further into her tail.

Firesong swallowed, fear flooding her chest. She turned and padded over to Rockshade who was speaking anxiously with Brackenshade, Blackeye, and Stormtail. Stormtail shook with apprehension, "They're coming for us? For the camp or territory you think?"

"Both." Brackenshade muttered, her tail lashing and her body shaking as well.

"SandClan!" Bigstar's voice rung out, "Let us depart. And have no fear, for we will win! Nobody can fight SandClan on SandClan soil and get away with it."
Warriors tried to cheer along, but voices wavered.
Cats coagulated to the middle of the camp on slow paws, as if trudging through mud. They all gathered in a group as if going to the gathering, not bothering to create a formidable formation to go to the battlefield. As if VenomClan would be daunted by a group of casual warriors. Cougarfang seemed upset by this but he bit his tongue.

Rockshade flicked his tail, flexing his claws, "We'll be fine. We managed to defend GreenClan against VenomClan with little casualties."
"Yeah, and earned yourself a scar." Firesong lashed her tail and poked her nose at where a small mark lay nestled within his white fur.

Stormtail approached,his long tail raised like a banner above his head. He managed to hold his head just as high, his chest jutted out like an apprentice triumphant of their first ever successful hunt. His claws were ready, but it seemed mentally he was not, as his eyes were clouded over in thought. "If VenomClan is planning something more than just a simple scare, then we're in for some trouble." he murmured.

Everyone set out, padding out of the camp and into the fields of their territory. Trees soon rose over the horizon and all the cats were silent as ghosts, both in pawsteps and in voices, as they morosely padded along to greet their demise. Suddenly, the patrol stopped. Rockshade and Firesong bumped into Blackeye who fell against Swiftfoot who crushed Sandstripe who knocked over Cougarfang who bumped into Bigstar who stumbled slightly. Bigstar turned her head back. "They're there. At our pond."

"Mouse-brains, they can't swim!" Sandstripe wiggled excitedly. "We can push them in the water, it's an easy win!"

Cougarfang nodded. "Simple plan. The question is: Are they expecting it?"

Bigstar stepped forward. She hesitated before yowling, "Wolfstar!"
The large outline of the VenomClan leader turned, eyes glinting. His warriors did the same, and upon inspection, SandClan warriors realized they were eating prey. Bigstar shook with fury, her green eyes ablaze. "Leave at once or we attack!"

"Good. Fall into our trap!" He mewed effortlessly from his back, his voice ringing clearly across the field.
Bigstar turned back to her Clan.
"So?" Cougarfang mewed, claws flexing.
"We attack. Charge-- now"

They nodded, staring at the VenomClanners with spite from over Bigstar's broad shoulders. They all ran forward, rushing past Firesong and leaving her winded and scared to her roots. She just stood and watched. Rockshade ran forward, along with Stormtail, Orangesun, and everyone else. Firesong felt weird. She really wanted a battle to prove her worth, but it was against the wrong opponent. She felt her scar itch and she narrowed her eyes.
For her Clan.

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