Chapter 1

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"I need you to give me fierce."

"No not that face!"

"Tilt your head to the left."

"Stop looking constipated!"

"Do you even want to be here?"

Do I want to be here? That is all I hear from my photographers. I think I want to be here. I've been striving to become a model since I was 14 and here I am, "one of America's most talked about runway/commercial models" or at least that's what the tabloids say.

To be honest I came to the studio at 5 am to take these pictures for Seventeen Magazine and it is now 2 in the afternoon. When all these stylists and photographers are yelling commands at you, can you blame me for wanting a bit of sleep?

"Lucinda, just a couple more shots and you can go home. Please, pay attention." My manager tells me.

"Yes Glen." I tell him before going back to taking my final pictures.


"Have you thought about which college courses you want to take?" Glen asks me as we walk out of the studio and towards his BMW.

"Maybe photography and communications along with some general classes." I respond. I graduated high school 4 months ago and since then it's been nonstop modeling gigs so I haven't really sat down to think about college yet.

"Well, you need to talk to your parents about this." He says sliding in next to me. For a 38 year old man he looks pretty young.

"I know. I still haven't told them about London yet." I mumble.

"What's new." Glen huffs as he rubs his face before sticking his Bluetooth in his ear and becoming oblivious to the world.


"I'm home!" I yell as I walk through the front door of the house.

"Hi honey, how were the pictures?" My mom asks as I walk into the kitchen.

"Fun at first then tiring. As usual." I say grabbing a cookie.

"That's good. Glen just texted me saying you needed to talk to me?" She wonders leading me into our normal sized living room. Now that I was making money I don't understand why my parents won't let me help them buy a new house.

"Um... I think we should call in the whole family." I say to her.


After breaking the news to my parents and 13 year old twin brothers that I was moving to London for 9 weeks to do runway shows and British magazines everything went chaotic. I already stated that I was 18 and chasing after my dream at least 4 times.

"You guys should be happy for me!" I yell pacing the living room.

"Lucy, we are. This all so new to us!" My mother exclaims.

"One minute you are begging us to take you to modeling classes and the next you book yourself gigs across the world!" My dad yells.

"To be fair dad, what did you think would happen?" My brother Raven adds.

"Did you think all those classes weren't going to make her a model?" My other brother Vincent comments. Yes I got the siblings on my side.

"This my job. I am doing what I love." I say directly to my parents.

"Please, just be safe." My mother says while closing her eyes.

Just as soon as those words left her lips I jumped on her and my dad squealing like a little girl during Christmas.

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