Kiss Me Slowly

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Water dripped from his face and drenched his clothes. He slowly ran his fingers through his damp hair and then swiped the water away from his eyes with the flick of the wrist.

Louis just stood there, staring at me.

I stopped laughing and froze.

Dear lord. I’m screwed. He’s gunna kill me. I know it.

“This is when you run.” Louis warned, but my feet were frozen. Come on legs! Don’t fail me NOW!

Thankfully, my feet were woken up when Niall sprinted passed me and grabbed my arm, forcing my legs to run with him.

We ran across the yard until we came to a tall and sturdy tree.

I dropped Niall’s hand and jumped up into the tree, climbing it like a monkey in the forest. I got up a few branches and looked down at Niall, who was just standing there in awe.

“Look who’s frozen now.” I smirked down at him from my branch. “Are you just gunna stand there and wait for Lou to attack us or are you gunna climb up here?!” I called to him.

He shook the look off his face, grabbed a branch, and hopped up. It took him a little longer than me, but eventually he reached the branch I was on and sat himself down on the one right across from me.

“How the hell did you climb like that?” he asked, still seeming amazed at my awesome climbing skills.

“Dude. How many times do I have to say this. I’m from Wisconsin. There’s not much to do over there.” I said and we both let out a little chuckle.

“You have any other hidden talents I should know about?” he asked curiously.

“Yeah, I have a few.” I smirked.

“Mind sharing?” he raised an eyebrow in my direction.

“Ha, mmm I guess I could do that.” I teased. “Actually, I think it’d be better to show you. But not now. I can’t really show you now, since we’re, you know, sort of in a tree.”

He laughed again, “You know, you’re pretty funny. I mean, some people might just think you’re a little, unique, but I just think it’s funny. It’s pretty cute, actually.”

“Thanks?” I don’t know whether to take that as a compliment or an insult. Whatever. I’m weird. You get used to this kind of stuff after a while. “I tend to have that affect on people.” I said good-humoredly.

“I can see you there in the city lights” I sang out of the blue. I have a habit of doing this; singing random songs at random times, I mean.

Normally people just brush this off as ‘typical Erin behavior’. In other words, they just ignore me because it’s odd.

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