54. ~Michael~

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Yay! I'm so freaking glad that you accepted my apology! ...To be perfectly honest the past month and half or so (47 days. Not that I was counting or anything.) have been total crap. You know that saying 'you never know what you got till it's gone'? Yeah, well I suddenly realized how much I totally enjoyed writing to you those past two months and it never really dawned on me how much I would miss it when we stop our correspondence (that's the kind of word you would use. I feel all... Sarah-y).

Oh yeah, uh, I guess that's basically what I was saying with those letters. In fact, that was exactly what I was trying to say with those letters. I was hinting at a bit more.. which I'm probably just going to blurt out because I seem to be rambling in this letter... but yeah, I guess that's the basic gist of it. Well, actually, I should just tell you right now. (If you can't tell, I'm stalling a little bit.) I'm... What I... I uh... I guess what I was trying hint at the whole time is that I have... feels. Feely feels... that feel...stuff.  You know... almost... romantical-ish stuff.

You know what? I think I'm going to change the topic now.

I think this is the longest letter I've ever sent you... so this is actually pretty cool. We've hit a milestone, you know. I've got.... 182 words in this letter. More now. And yes, I did just go back and count every single word that I wrote. Boom. I'm awesome.

And on that (awesome) note, I bid thee a very fond farewell.

The Awesome M

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