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wheres my mind? maybe its in the gutter, where i left my lover. what an expensive fate.

6. bellyache
day VI: weak knees and nosey blondes

my tired eyes slowly peel open, my bare body, covered in nothing but a thin silk bed sheet. i inhaled deeply then, attempted sit up but, as soon as i did, i felt nothing but complete and utter pain between my legs.

that, and the fact that i was laying on finns chest and my sudden movement caused his grip around my waist to tighten. ignoring the pain, i took it upon myself to lift my head until my lips stopped just under finns chin. and from there, i placed a delicate kiss along his jawline.

the kiss caused the boy's previously still lips to curl into a small smile. "you little faker." i announced, poking finns chest. his smile only grew as a dry laugh escaped his lips. moments later, his eyes shot open, then, moving to mine.

"good morning, beautiful." he breathed out. "good morning, wreck it Ralph." i responded back, joking. my response caused finn to laugh once again, but this time, sitting up and hovering over me.

"yeah, sorry about that," he started, stopping only to kiss my lips. "what do you say, i make it up to you with the biggest stack of pancakes youve ever seen?" he offered, giving me a sly smile.

"deal." i said, smiling widely. "okay." he said, mimicking my actions, revealing his pearly whites, followed by him planting another kiss onto my lips. directly after, he climbed over me, then hopped off the bed, soon exiting the bedroom.

the freckle face boy then left me in the large bed, smiling widely to myself as i gripped the silk sheets tightly.

eventually, i somehow managed to sit up and slowly make my way to the bathroom. there, i flicked on the lights, giving me the opportunity to stare at my reflection.

there are three large, purple spots decorating my pale body. one on my neck, another on my chest and another on my stomach.

i then grazed my fingers over the marks, remembering last nights events. as i did that, my eyes drifted off to the shower and decided to take a long one.

the warm water hit my fair skin, causing my eyes shut in relief. after my wash, i stepped out of the warm shower, the humidity from the water caused the mirrors to fog up.

so, i took it upon myself to wipe it off a towel before wrapping my body in it. prior to drying myself off, i took the red silk robe off the back of the bathroom door and changed into it after i was done.

once i finished the entire after shower process, i exited the bathroom, only to find no finn or pancakes. its been at least thirty minutes, wheres my food?

so, allowing curiosity to get the best of me, i cautiously made my way out the  bedroom and down the hallway towards the kitchen. but, just as i made it to the corner just before you turn into the kitchen, i heard finn talking and immediately stopped in my tracks and stuck to the wall.

"yeah, she's here...mhm...what, tonight?...okay...how much?...no fucking way, you said fifty...this isnt a negotiation, franky. fifty-grand or you can kiss this deal goodbye, understand?...alright, now we're talking. so, have everything packed and ready when we get there...alright, see you tonight." he finished, hanging up the phone.

what is he talking about? what deal? whos franky? whats happening tonight? who is "she"!!!???

seconds later, my thoughts were interrupted when i heard a plate slide against the counter, followed by footsteps that only got louder as they inched closer to where i am.

so, not wanting to get caught, i immediately began to sprint back to the room, being cautious about the soreness between my legs. upon my arrival back to the bedroom, i swiftly tip toed into the bathroom and shut the door, quietly.

once i turned around, facing the familiar scenery, i quickly searched every cabinet for either lotion of perfume. luckily, i found an old bottle of perfume at the very back on the bottom cabinet. wasting no time, i spritzed on the vanilla smelling liquid and fixed my hair in the mirror so i didnt luck like i just ran in here.

moemnts later, there was a series of light knocks on the bathroom door. "hey norah, you in here?" finn asked, causing my heart to race once again. "y-yeah, i just finished my shower." i lied, mentally slapping myself for stuttering.

"well, pancakes taste best when theyre hot. so, dont be too long." he informed me, then walked off.

i didnt want to wait any longer but i didnt want to hear anything regarding that conversation. but, i exited the bathroom, nonetheless. once i did, i was met with the scene of finn already helping himself to my pancakes.

once i caught him, he quickly dropped the silverware onto the plate and offered me a closed smile as he continued to chew. i then made my way over to him, more specifically sitting on his leg.

"no, just help yourself, i mean im only starving to death." i commented, sarcastically, resulting in finn chuckling then placing a kiss on my lips. his taste like syrup, obviously from the pancakes.

but, finn pulled away quickly, wearing a confused face. his eyebrows furrowed, lips slightly parted. "what?" i asked. "where did you get that perfume?" he asked, quietly. "oh, im so sorry, it was just in the c-" i began to explain but, was cut off by finns sudden smile and head shake.

"no, its fine. it was just...my mom's." he told me, making my smile drop. i didnt say anything in response, instead, i just tucked some hair behind my ear and looked at the ground.

i then looked up after feeling the sudden touch of finns hand on my thigh. "eat your breakfast, you have a busy night, tonight."

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