✒️death of a bachelor

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{ there may or may not be some s2 references here and there...}

56. death of a bachelor
✒️day LVI: happier days

norah's pov.

"after four weeks or constant procedures and taking in food from a tube, I do believe that she's just about ready to take on the world once again." the doctor told paul and I, causing his previous smile to widen even more.

"did you hear that, kid? you can finally eat people food!" paul told me, taking hold of my hands in the process. I laughed at his amazing humor...then my smile subconsciously morphed into a frown. and in addition to that frown, came tears. a lot of tears.

and immediately after witnessing my sudden change in emotion, paul held up his large, comforting hand up my face, holding my cheek. "what's wrong, peanut?" he asked, softly, being careful on his words, not sure if emotionally stable for any jokes at the moment.

I shook my head softly, gently wrapping both of my small, pale hands around his one large one. moments later, inviting myself into a comforting hug that definitely caught paul off guard. but the surprise expression he wore only held on for a few moments, before he enveloped me in his reassuring arms, placing his hand on my head, planting a kiss on the exact spot, seconds later.

"thank you so much...for everyt-" "don't mention it, kid...okay? I chose to be here, this wasn't another secret mission to make sure that you go run off and snitch or something. I wanted to be here when you woke up. okay?" he told me, him, nor I, releasing ourselves from the hug.

I didn't answer, verbally. instead, I nodded my head, continuing to inhale the faint scent of amber, buried into his shirt.

and just over a twenty seconds later, we both pulled away, mentally agreeing that this hug has gone on for a little too long. then, once we realize that we just mentally agreed to that, we laugh.

"alright, kid. enough of this crying. crying is for losers," he joked, wiping away the loose tears that fell down his cheeks. "now, how bout we get fat and buy out mcdonalds for lunch?"

finn's pov.

"do you love me?" she asked me. "of course." i lied straight through my teeth for the third time this week. and instantly after i let out my response, anabelle smashed her lips onto mine. with so much force, that i fell back onto my bed, holding onto her hips to keep myself steady.

my hands roamed her body, physically feeling everything but, mentally...nothing. not a pinch of enjoyment as her lips forcefully collided into mine. nothing when her hands took in a chunk of my hair, expecting to get some type of reaction out of me. i just feel...nothing anymore.

and this has been a casualty for just about the past two weeks now. spending my mornings in the ring, whilst my nights were dedicated to night clubs and attending my uncle's dinners in order to meet girls and bring them home.

now, ive been with girls with different backgrounds, colors, sizes, accents, yet...all of them still feel the exact same.

i knew it was unhealthy to say i hate norah and that she means nothing to me, just to turn and keep her in my mind. having the constant thought of her with someone else...or dead, as my motivation to keep going in the mornings.

i know we could never be together after all the things ive done to norah but...i just wanna check up on her. just one last time. just to see how she's doing...if paul is taking care of her...that is, if she's even alive...

and here i go again.

i immediately break the kiss and pushed anna off of me, unable to continue with this bullshit act any longer.

"dude, what the hell!" she yelled at me. i then ignored her completely, getting up from the bed and heading towards the door. "and where the hell are you going!" she asked, steady seated on my bedside.

so, i sighed, turning around on my heel swiftly. "away from you. thanks for that extremely aggressive kiss but, we're done here." i told her, getting a series of swear words that were too high pitched to make out so, they were also ignored.

after leaving the room, i hurriedly made my way to one of the empty offices my uncle gave to me to choose from, and took a seat in the ice cold leather chair, seated behind the large wooden desk.

and from there, i would spend the next five minutes contemplating on dialing the number in my hand or not. the phone number i held in my hand now, was written down by paul the day i left the hospital, just in case i wanted to check up on him...or norah.

and what do you know? paul's never wrong.

so, after the over-examined contemplation, i decided against the odds and instead, chose to dial the number finally. and immediately after making that decision, i regretted it. the simple sound of the phone ringing made my palms as wet as the ocean and my heart beat faster than the speed of light.

and that's when it happened. that's when everything stopped.

"hello?" she asked, her voice soft as silk. its been so long since the last time ive heard her voice that, hearing it completely caught me off guard. "...hello?" she asked again, this time her voice coming off a little more worried and concerned.

"...h-hey, norah. its me...finn."

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