chapter 1

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I was off to school mom made me wait for my baby brother nick. Nick was an annoying little boy he would bug you non-stop til he got what he wanted, but I still love him. I drop nick off at his class and walked to the highschool building. I saw my best friends Mattie and Rosaura. These girls were like my sisters nothing could come between us.  Mattie:I heard there's a new student coming today. Rosaura: are you serious is it a boy or a girl?!? This was the first I've heard about it and I was fixing to say something until....Mr.Bray: Voilet I need to see you in my office. As I  walked off I could hear my friends giggles. They made me smile and want to laugh also. We got into Mr.Bray's office I sat in a chair in front of his desk. Mr.Bray: I called you in here because I want you to show around a new student make them feel welcome here. I thought "ohh crap I have to cart them around with me all day now". We walked out of the room to go see the new student. As I saw him I was in awe which suprized me. He was easily 6 foot, he was muscular but not in a bad way, his light silky brown hair was untamed,but you would think that he would be snarky but he was shy. Which I found Insanely cute.
                Chapter 2
As Mr.Bray walked out of the room. I said"hi I'm Voilet I'm going to show you around today so you know where your going tomorrow". He mumbled something but I didn't quite catch it. "I'm sorry what was that?"I replied. He spoke louder but not by much"I'm Zach O'Connor thanks for  showing me around". He sounded so innocent for a second I thought I did something wrong but I couldn't have could I?? Zach and I walked out of the room into the busy hallway I put my hand around his wrist as not to lose him. We found Rosaura and Mattie waiting for me outside the door at first period. I motioned for him to walk in I started after him but mattie said"Ohh my God is that the new kid he's soo hot". "Yeah and he already asked me out"I said teasing her. We all laughed and walked in the room.I sat beside him today in case he had any questions but he didn't say a word. That's when I found out he was gonna be a tough nut to crack.
                  Chapter 3
I've walked him to all of his classes I felt the tension but I pretend I didn't notice we walk in the lunch room I felt him tense as the lunch room was a horror to behold. I saw mattie and Rosaura they were with another friend of ours but he wasn't as close but maybe having a guy to talk to will get Zach to come out of his shell. We sat down and the three of them were talking 90 miles per hour. I laughed and said"what is going on here you guys y'all sound like the gossip girls. I noticed Zach picking at his food mainly staring at it. I looked at him and said"hey are you okay?"he looked at me then back down at his plate"yeah I'm fine". I barely heard him. "I know being at a new school is hard but it gets better by the end if the week you'll have people lining up around the block wanting to be friends with you". I think what I said took him aback because he gave me a confused look.
                   Zach's pov
This new school is huge somehow Voilet knows where everything is. I admit Voilet is really pretty she has long shiny brown hair with streaks of blond. Her diamond blue eyes can't be ignored. When we walked out of the room I was sitting in I felt her wrap her hand around my wrist her hands were soft and warm. We got to our
class I didn't really pay attention I was just thinking about how I could talk to her without screwing up. As we walked to lunch I really saw how big the school was it was terrifying. We sat down she asked me"if I was okay?" I got really shy I just said that I was fine. She said something a out it being hard at a new school and tons of people would want to be friends with me I was in shock because when I look into her eyes it looked like she actually cared about how I was doing. Not many people have given me this sense of security at my old school the guys were huge big husky men I was the smallest I got picked on nobody cared so why should she?
              Voilets pov
I gave Zach my phone number just in case he had a question on the homework but I didn't think he would actually text me since he didn't really talk to anyone at school. Walked in the house no body was home nick was on a playdate and my parents were at work. So I went in the kitchen to grab some chips and went to watch some tv not long after someone texted me
Zach: I was wondering if you could help me on my science homework it's not what Im used to
Me: yeah sure I'll help you meet me at the park in ten minutes
                     Zach's pov
She was actually going to meet me at the park I couldn't believe it. I got on a hoodie fast as possible and ran out of the door.
                  Voilets pov
I saw Zach sitting on a bench with his homework just seeing the back of him made me smile I only knew this boy one day what has he done to me. We were sitting there on question 12 because neither if us knew the answer it made us laugh his laugh was clear as if the whole world fell silent just to hear it then I see someone walk up to us. It's Roxie. Roxie is the popular girl the head of the princess club the sight of her made me gag. She walked up to Zach and said"what are you doing working with her I think it would be much more fun if you came and hung out with me". "Roxie shut up you have a boyfriend to kiss up to leave him alone"I said I was surprised the at the words that just came out of my mouth. "Ohh really that's how this conversation is going to play out listen to me purple -" "it's Voilet" I I growled " You know what you just ruined the conversation" she says as she stalked off. "I hate her guts"I grumbled. Zach sat their quietly waiting for me to continue. I looked over at him"I'm sorry you had to talk to her on the first day she's not someone you'd want to be friends with"."It's okay she's not that big compared to the guys at my old school". I was screaming inside he's starting to open up and talk I have made some progress.
             Zach's pov
I didn't hear her when she walked up behind me. She looked amazing she had a messy ponytail,a tank top, and some ripped jeans on. We started working and I want to say something but someone else walks up just by her walk I can tell she's one of the "it" people so we called them at my old school. She looked at me and said "why are you working with her it would be much more fun if you hung out with me". I didn't really listen to much more this girl wore way to much makeup you could tell because at the edges of her lips looked caked with foundation and powder. Yes I know what makeup is I usually have to go by it for my mom when she needs more. I hardly noticed when Voilet started talking to me "I'm sorry you had to deal with her on the first day she's not someone you'd want to be friends with".I said"it's okay she's not that big compared to the guys at my old school". She had the biggest smile on her face so I smiled back just as big.
                Voilets pov
It seemed like forever we stared at each other I slightly shook my head and looked back at the work sheet before he could see me turn red.  

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