UPDATE: Ride or Die

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The next day when Dee opened the front door, she was in for the surprise of her life.

It was Nia and Nova!

"Nia! Nova! Oh my goodness! I'm so glad to see you guys! We went back to the cave but you were gone! Oh my goodness!"

Dee reaches for a hug but they stop her.

"Oh Dee, Nova starts. You thought things were sweet? You shot up our house!

And tried to kill our son! Nia yells.

Who's your son?

Niyan!" They both yell.

Dee pauses for a minute. She is SHOOK. She needed to take all of this in.

"You're damn right I did! That little bastard made my daughter join a gang, kill someone, get a tattoo and almost get arrested! You're damn right I shot him and your house and I'd do it again!

Oh Dee! Nia starts. You just don't know you started do you? This isn't the last time you'll see us!

And make sure you keep and eye on Keytra! Before I do! Nova says as he winks.

And you better make sure next time yall decide to pull up, Key isn't here.

Or yall will catch bliggadys!

Yeah right!" NovaKay says as they laugh and Dee slams the door in there face.

"Keytra!!!! She yells.

Keytra runs downstairs. "Yes mom?

Go upstairs! Tie your hair in a bun! Put on some tennis shoes, and put rings on all your fingers! It go time.

Mom? Are you sure? She says chuckling.

Hell yeah! Dee says in an evil tone.

Okay!" Keytra runs upstairs and does what her mom told her to and Dee goes upstairs and does the same thing.


Later, when Key gets home, they are all dressed in black hoodies, Dee and Keytra have their hair in a bun, while Key had a hoodie on, they all have on sweatpants and tennis with rings on all of their fingers.

"Let's go get these punks!" Dee says.

I hope yall liked this update 😂!
What do yall think is gonna happen next?

fmoig @taaaah1x

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