Chapter 2

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I walk out of the building and take  a deep breath and start walking. As I am walking around i see the spot where the diner i used to always hang out with my "friends" and in its place is a new diner. I walk past that and see my old school ,that has been remodeled, and i barely recognized it. Everything has been removed or replaced. Even the old trojan statue is gone. Now its an Eagle. I walk around some more and see no familiar face, which i knew i wants it has been 117 years but you know a girl can dream.

On my way back home i run into somebody who thought they knew me, which i'm glad they did cause i am starving. I lead them into an alleyway by my apartment and well you know terminated the problem. I walk away and go to the front of my building wiping off my mouth,  when I run into Adam and his brother.

"Oh hey. " I say nervously hoping I got all the blood off my mouth. "Hey Raven it is right? " He says and I hear his heart rate increase. "Yeah." I say nodding my head. I look down trying to resist just taking a quick bite out of him.  "Um anyway I have to go do stuff" I say and quickly run up to my apartment.

I open my door and lock it behind me.  I flop down on my couch and go to sleep.

I wake up to somebody blasting some loud ass music.

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