Chapter 3

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I get up letting out a loud groan. I walk out my door and the music gets louder. Pretty soon I figure out the noise is coming from the room across from me.
I walk over and knock on the door, and just to my luck, Adam answers the door.

"Um hi, again" I say nervously. "Hey. Um wanna come in?" He ask me opening the door more. "No im good but i shit to do in the morning so turn the music down please." I smile and turn around.

Just as i walk off i feel Adam's warm hand on arm, pulling me back.  I look over my shoulder at him. "Hey wait. Come on it'll  fun. I promise." He says with a quick smirk. "Please." "Fine, but don't make promises you can't keep."

I walk past Adam, into the party and everything is intensified, i can hear everybody's individual heart beat. I brush past some more sweaty bodies, and grab Adam's hand, that's almost as sweaty as these people, and drag him onto the middle of the floor, and start dancing with him.

We keep dancing to some fun music but then a dreaded slow song comes on. "Alright peace, I'm out. I don't do slow dancing." I say. "But i had fun. so thanks for that." I get on my tip-toes and plant a light kiss on his cheek. i look up at him and can hear the blood rushing through his cheeks. I want to tak

I stare into his cool grey eyes,  and  feel his warm harms slowly wrap around my waist. I think to myself,  no no this cant be happening. i cant be falling for someone not again. i need to get the hel out of this place. 

I find the strength the push myself away from him and run out the door. to my apartment locking  the door behind me.

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