Ready; Ch. 2

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Aaliyah Truemen

"What did I say about talking to other niggas!?", He yelled as he tried to hit me.

"Im sorry! It won't happen again!", I had screamed, hoping it would stop.

"Sorry isn't enough!"

He did something, but I don't know what. I know that I had fell unconscious, and had woken in a room of black. I couldn't see anything. It was dark, eery, and  it was so quiet it just makes you want to scream. I tried to move, but my hands were tied. As I was becoming fimiliar with my surroundings, I noticed my hands were tied to the headboard of the bed. I could move my legs, but it wasn't helping any.

Realizing that I was naked, I began to get scared. I knew what Chresanto was capable of, but I never thought that it would come to this. I heard heavy footsteps stomping up the stairs. I was always scared of Chresanto, but not to the point where  scared to even sit in the same room with him. He swung the door open, room filling with the smell if weed and alcohol. He was high and drunk. I don't mind him smoking, but when he drinks, he lets all of his emotions out, and sometimes I can't help but to listen...

"Are you happy?", He asked sitting in a chair infront of the bed.

Silence filled the room. You could only hear my heavy breathing, scared of what he might do. I kept quiet, I didn't want to show him any fear, it would only encourage him.

"I said, are you fucking happy!?", He yelled standing.

Even though it's dark, I could still see now thay my eyes have adjusted,  and the window allowing the peak of light.

"Happy for what?", I quietly spoke.

"The things you do to me. It's like you don't care. You always make me feel like a piece of shit, like Im not good enough for you. I know I make you scared, but Im trying to change that. I want to make you feel comfortable around me, instead of tensing up every time that Im near or try to touch you! You how much that fucking hurts? I know my disorder can get out of hand, but can you at least try, for me?", He quietly sobbed.


I awoke from the horrid dream of Chresanto kidnapping me. I couldn't help but to cry. I laid in bed and cried for the longest of time. I really want to see Chresanto, but I know he is still pissed about yesterday.

I thought to myself for a while, and decided... To finally tell Chresanto my true feelings. He desreves it. I shouldn't have to hide them just because of my fears. I shouldn't have to put Chresanto down all the time because I'm scared he is going to hurt me. I really think it's time finally open up...

I picked up my phone from the nightstand, and dialed his number. It rang for long periods of time, until it finally reached voicemail. I decided to hang up, hoping he would call back later.

Chresanto August

I laid in bed as my mind swam through my thoughts. I felt my phone vibrate next to me. I lefted it up and looked at the caller I.D. Seeing that it was Aaliyah, I stared at it for a while debating on if I should answer or not. Then I thought about yesterday, I pressed declined and threw my phone back down.

An hour or so later, I was still laying in bed, bored as can be. I felt guilty because I didn't answer Aaliyah's call earlier. I wanted to call her back but something is keeping me from it. Maybe I'm just tired of being hurt all the time. Minutes later, my phone had vibrated, indicating that I had just gotten a text--

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