Ch; 12

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Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect, and I don't live to be. But before you start pointing fingers, make sure you're hands are clean.- Bob Marley
Aaliyah Trueman

"Lorenzo, stop chasing Romelo!" I hollered at them. I was home alone with the twins. Chresanto was out doing whatever, and Camroyn was out with his friends. Chresanto has gained a couple of friends the past few years, I was happy for him at first, but as the time went by, I realized it was tearing our family apart.

Lorenzo and Romelo were now four, and Camroyn had just turned twelve. I was trying to clean the living room, and I turned on some cartoons to keep them from distracting me, but it didn't work. I was tired, and I wanted to sleep, but I couldn't.

I was always the one doing the cooking and cleaning, and Chresanto kept the bills paid. Chresanto doesn't even spend time with Lorenzo and Romelo like he used to, the last time they actually spent time together was six days ago. He doesn't spend time with Cam anymore either.

He's a changed man, I should say. I don't even talk to him like I used to either. He would try to talk, but I would ignore him, or I just don't listen. I also learned to stick up to Chresanto, instead of giving in to him all the time, just because I was afraid of him getting destructive.

Chresanto has been on medication for his Schizophrenia when he was also diagnosed with Discioative Identity Disorder, or Multiple Identitiy disorder for better understanding. And because of that, he is not as violent as he used to be. He now knows how to handle his anger, instead of taking it out on something or someone.

Marilyn and I were friends again and friends only. I turned to her when I had no one else to turn to. I apologized for lying, and she accepted it. We act like the way did before, we just don't kiss or touch. Chresanto doesn't like that we talk again, but he is always out with his friends, so I'm not worried about him. He thinks he can have all the friends he wants, and that I'm supposed to keep to myself, no.

The twins crashed on the couch, and I sighed happily. I finished cleaning the living room in peace, and minutes after, Camroyn walked in. "Hey, sis." He said hugging me and kissing my cheek. "Hey Cam. You have fun?" "Yeah, Chres home?" I shook my head no, and sighed deeply. "Oh, Okay." "Coould you take the twins upstairs for me?" "Sure."

He picked them both up in his arms, and took them upstairs. It was getting late, and Chres still wasn't home. Cam and the twins were asleep, I couldn't sleep, and I was just bored. I was watching T.V, but someone knocked on the door. I ignored it at first, 'cause I didn't feel like getting up, and I was irritated. But whoever it was, kept knocking.

I got up from the couch and angrily swung the door open, and there stood Marilyn. "You okay boo?" "Yeah, I'm just frustrated." "Wanna tell me what's on your mind?" "Sure."

"So, what's on your mind?" She said sitting next to me, and laying her head on my shoulder. "Well, Chresanto has been going out a lot lately, I've had no help with the twins, I'm tired but I cant sleep, and I have been cleaning all day, because no one knows how to clean up after themselves, And Lorenzo and Romelo have been a total distraction and I could barely get anything done."

"Why didn't you call me? I could've helped." "No, it's okay. I don't need you worrying about me." "Aaliyah, I love you. I'm always going to worry about you." "What do you mean?" "I want to tell you, but it's not the right time." Now she got me thinking. "Please tell me, I need some type of comfort."

"When we broke up four years ago, I never got over you. I cried for days, and had plenty of sleepless nights. I was in love with you, and I still am. I was more than happy when you came over to apologize, and have been happy ever since. I love you, Aaliyah." She finished, biting her lip. "I wish I could say the same." I mumbled.

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