Ch; 7

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"You say you love rain, but you use an umbrella to walk under it.You say you love the sun, but you seek shelter when it's shining. You say you love wind, but when it comes you close your windows. So that's why I am scared when you say you love me."- Bob Marley

Chresanto August

I kissed the top of her stomach, and she got weak in the knees. She held to my back and sent a nerve wrecking pain through it due to lack of comfort, but I didn't let it phase me, there was something wrong with Aaliyah, and she was important.

"What's wrong?" I panicked.

"I... I think my water just broke."

Even though I was panicking on the inside, I remained calm on the outside. I didn't want her to think I didn't know what to do, because I didn't.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Take me to the hospital!"

I grabbed her car keys and ran to the car. I laid her on the backseats and sped to the hospital.

A nurse put Aaliyah in a wheel chair and led her to the birth department. I was having a nervous breakdown, and when I'm nervous, I tend to tick. A side affect of Schizophrenia, and when I tick, I bite on my hands, sometimes to point until they start to bleed.I don't like biting on them, nor do I want to. Especially in public, people start to stare and it makes me angry and I end up snapping, then I would have to leave.

A doctor had me follow him to Aaliyah's room to help give birth. They put me in a gown and a face mask, and gave me gloves to wear. While the other doctors were getting prepared, I thought to myself, shouldn't they wait until she dialated?

I walked over to Aaliyah's bed, she was calm, but I knew she was in pain.

"Are you okay?" I asked nervously.

"I'm nervous..." She moaned.

"Me too."

"Aren't they supposed to wait until your fully dialated?"

"Yes, but I am ready to push now!" She cried.

I couldn't imagine her pain, even if I tried. I never knew what it was like having a baby, but now is my chance. The doctor rushed back in and elevated her legs. He motioned me to come to the end of the bed. Show time.

I kissed her forhead, and walked to the end of the bed. I stood between her legs slightly squatted. The doctor told me that when she starts to push, look for a head.

"Are you ready to push?" The doctor asked.

"Yes!" She hollered back.

"Okay, one, two, three, push!"


I took off my gloves and threw them away. I took off my gown and face mask and sat them in a chair. I sat on Aaliyah bed next to her, and watched her sleep. The nurse left with the babies to weigh them and what not, then after she was going to bring them back.

Aaliyah phone had started to ring, I picked it up and read the caller I.D; Marilyn ♥. Whoever this female was I didn't like her. I don't even know her, and she already irks the hell out of me.


"Um, is Aaliyah there?"

"Yeah, but she's asleep." I answered with an attitude. I didn't like her talking to Aaliyah.

"Can you have her call me back?"

"No. Were in the hospital, she just gave birth."

"Oh my God, I'm on my way." She said and then hung up.

I looked at the phone in disgust, as if the phone was her. I didn't want her to come, nor did she need to come. We'll be just fine without her. The nurse came in with both babies, and handed them to me.

"The doctor will be here with both birth certificates shortly." She said then walked out.

And when she walked out, I'm guessing, Marilyn walked in. She sat in the chair on the other side of the bed.

"Baby, wake up." She said slightly shaking Aaliyah.

Baby? It confused me for a minute, but I knew Aaliyah wasn't the type to date females. Or so I thought. I didn't phase me, so I decided to just drop it. But in reality, it was gnawing away at my nerves.

Aaliyah stirred in her sleep before she finally woke up. She sat up a little and looked directly at me. I knew she wanted to hold them, so I got up and laid both of them in her arms. She smiled at them as she adored them. Soon enough, the doctor came in with the birth certificates.

Lorenzo Romelo August, 7 lb's 8 oz

Romelo Lorraine August, 7 lb's 6 oz


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