chapter three

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I opened my eyes with difficulty, as they were pretty swollen. I looked around, searching for Andy.

Unpleasant images appeared in front of me. Blood, pain, screaming, open wounds... someone was hurting me and scaring me. My heart beat grew faster. The images were becoming more and more disturbing, my mind unable to function ; when did all these happen? Was that a dream I had last night? What were all these images? It was feeling so familiar.

I felt the urge to scream, as if this action could clear up my brain in a magical way. Even if it couldn't, I did it. Causing anyone in this home right now, to run to me.

I could hear someone saying "she's awake" in a female voice and Jane, my best friend, appeared in front of me soon after that.

"Hey! You're finally awake! What's wrong?" she sat next to me, caressing my hair slowly.

I was shaking. "Um, I-I don't know. I had a nightmare last night, that really ruined my mood, probably."

I slightly raised the bed sheets, and took a look at my body under the soft clothing I was wearing. No wounds, no bruises ; I was okay. My mind is playing really strange games lately.

She looked at me worried, and I could read her mind, asking me if I really was okay.

I moved closer to her and held her hand, squeezing it gently. "I really am okay" I gave her a small smile before I continued, "but, why are you here?"

"Andy called me. He was worried about you, because he said you've been acting weird and screaming in your sleep. He had to go to work, but he wanted me to come and take care of you." she giggled a bit, "and it's pretty late too, sleepy head! I've made you lunch, because you wouldn't wake up and cook!"

I laughed softly and hugged her. She always cared so much and that's why I loved her endlessly.

"Andy will be home soon, by the way."

Andy. Another image appeared in front of me. It was Andy. Andy transforming into something, something I didn't know, something that was tearing my flesh off slowly and painfully, sucking on my skin, draining my blood - his eyes were red, his teeth sharp, his smile devilish - no, no that wasn't Andy, no Andy wouldn't do something like that, Andy is just a heavenly creature, it couldn't be-

"Belle!" Jane's voice brought me back to reality, "you are not okay at all."

I realised I was crying, staring at absolutely nothing.

"Um I'm sorry, the nightmare... you know, from last night... it was awful."

She stroked my hair and smiled softly. "It's gonna be okay."

The door slammed from the distance and footsteps were reaching my bedroom.

"Hey baby" Andy entered and greeted me, leaving his leather jacket on the chair next to me.

He moved closer to kiss me, when without controlling myself, I flinched and avoided him.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at me, concerned. "Is everything good?"

What was wrong with me? I took a deep breath and nodded quickly. "Yes, of course" I smiled slightly, and kissed him instead of him doing it. He smiled back and helped me get up.

Jane went back to the living room, waiting for me to join her.

"I'm gonna take a shower" Andy said, giving me a last kiss on the forehead "you better go and eat something, alright honey?"

I nodded again and left the room, to go to the kitchen.

"Andy seems so concerned about you" I heard Jane's voice behind me.

"Well, I am concerned about myself too. I always get these strange nightmares lately. But they are so real..."

Jane walked towards me and sat on the counter listening carefully.

"When I wake up the memories I get from them flood my head. I can remember feeling pain, screaming and crying as if it really happened."

I realised how dumb this thought sounded and that people would think I'm crazy.

"Maybe it's just that I get too tired throughout the day."

Jane nodded not having what to say and stayed for a little more to help me do some chores I had around the house.

By the time she had left, Andy was out of the bathroom.

"How was work today?" I kissed his forehead and set his plate on the table.

He smiled at me, dimples slightly forming on his soft cheeks. He was adorable. "It was pretty good. But I miss not having you there."

"I'm coming back soon, don't worry." Me and Andy worked at the same company, but I had taken some days off to visit my aunt two days ago. She didn't live near us, so I had to stay there too. This week, I'm returning to the office, again. Maybe this will help me keep my mind off the crazy and scary thoughts that haunt me lately.

"Good, I really need you there" he grabbed a bite from his pizza slice, and stared at me lovingly.

How could I ever be scared of him? Why did I even thought of him as a monster? He's the same pure angel. I swear, my mind is driving me insane.

After I finished eating, I got up from the table and cleaned the kitchen up. Andy left again, to do some paperwork at our bedroom.

I thought I'd take a quick shower before going for walk, probably with him.

I opened the bathroom's glass door and walked directly to the bin to throw the tissue i was holding in it.

There was a towel already thrown in it, that I couldn't even make it's actual color out, since it was stained with blood. I looked closer, trying to prove to myself that this was real. The smell of the blood started making me dizzy so I looked around, and saw a puddle of blood next to the bin. My eyes widened trying to find an answer to what was happening.

"Andy, what is going on in here?", I said loud enough for him to hear.

"What do you mean, honey?", he replied almost instantly.

My attention caught another, smaller this time, puddle of blood next to the sink.

Once I wasn't answering to his question, he came to the bathroom. He stood quietly next to the door, and when he realised what I was talking about, he gasped and stepped back a bit.

"Can you explain to me what all this blood is, Andy?"

a/n: filler chapter that sucks a bit, but was needed i guess

lots of love
– A.

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