Chapter Ten - Milk and Cookies

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   Miku awoke with a headache. She was in a dark place, surrounded by stuffed animals. It was then Miku realized she was in a small toy box. Immediately feeling paranoid, she pushed it open and climbed out.

   She was in a small, fluffy, pink room. In the center was a small table with two chairs and against the wall opposite to her was a tiny kitchen with a fridge stove and oven. The walls of the room had small photos of children dressed like dolls. Some of the children were hugging teddy bears or eating cake. There was a small white closet in a corner, but when Miku tried to open it, she realized it was locked.

   Miku felt her heartbeat quicken as memories came rushing back. She had been kidnapped by that violet haired ice cream man. This place must've been his home...

   Miku noticed a note on the fridge, reading:

   "Leave cookies on that table no later than 3 o'clock OR ELSE!"

   Was this it? Was she kidnapped to be that bad wolf ice cream man's servant—his little housewife? Was she gonna be stuck cooking and cleaning? Or... would she being doing something much sicker than that...? With tears already streaming down her face, Miku angrily went to the fridge and ripped the note off.

   "Damn, wolf..."

   She opened a cabinet above the stove and found it full of stuff for baking cookies. Miku had made cookies with her mother a few times when she was young. Although it was a long time, she remembered one cookie recipe. Miku put everything on the table and started putting flour in the mixing bowl. By now she was already bawling her eyes out. As she put everything in the bowl, from sugar, to eggs, to milk, tears went down her cheeks.

   Miku went to the oven and preheated it. Then her dress snagged and something fell out her pocket.

   It was the bottle of strange blue liquid. She bent down and picked it up, staring the bottle over.

   'Did that lady... know about this...?'

   Miku popped it open and smelled the scent. It almost smelled like a cough syrup. Then she glanced back at the bowl with the cookie mix.

   'Is this what it's for...?'

   Miku went back to the table and stared at the bowl. Then she started to pour the blue liquid into the mix.

   Lucky for her, the wolf was paying no attention.


   From a dark, cold room he watched her.

   That horrible ice cream man sat in a chair, watching Miku on a surveillance screen. He stared at his little red with hunger in his eyes, constantly licking his lips.

   It was then his phone rang. He picked it up and listened for a voice.

   "Hello...?" Nothing.

   "Who is this?!" Still nothing.

   Annoyed, he slammed the phone down. And looked back at the screen.

   Miku was already rolling the cookie dough.


   Miku had no idea what that strange liquid would do. But she knew it'd help her.

   Once the dough was rolled out she grabbed the cookie cutters and started cutting out the shapes. A memory of making Christmas cookies with her mom flashed in her head. Miku rubbed her eyes and continued with the cookies. When they were all cut out, she put them in the oven. Miku started cleaning up all the baking materials as she waited for the cookies to finish. It took a good half hour, but she finally finished cleaning and the cookies were done.

   Miku took the cookies out the oven and started to decorate them with frosting and sprinkles. When that was done, she poured a single glass of milk then dropped into her chair.

   Now she just had to wait and see what would happen...

   The sound of a door opening rang behind her. Miku glanced to the side and saw those horrible violet colored eyes entering from the small closet.

   "Hello, darling~"

   He brushed his fingers against her cheek. Miku turned away, trying not to cry again.

   "Come on, don't be like that~"

   Miku glared at him, feeling rage boil deep inside her.

   "How fuck did you know it was my birthday? And that I was sixteen?! I want fucking answers now!" She snapped.

   "What, are you writing a book?" The ice cream man let out a deep chuckle. He dragged his fingers in Miku's hair and spoke in a seductive tone.

   "Sweetheart. If your daddy was still alive he wouldn't like hearing such bad words coming out your mouth, it's very unladylike~" He said playfully.

   This man even knew of her fathers' death? Had he been stalking her for a long time...?
Miku looked at him again and swore she saw wolf ears and fangs on this horrible man. She wanted to see the life drain right out his eyes, here and now.

   "Just eat the stupid cookies already..."

   Miku leaned on her hand and fought the urge to cry. The ice cream man picked up one of the cookies and took a large bite. Then he froze. He grabbed his neck and started coughing and gasping loudly, soon grabbing his chest as unbearable pain surged through him.

   "Wh-What the fuck did you put in these...?!"

   Miku felt a grin start to grow on her face. When he collapsed, Miku began to laugh at him. She stood and looked over him with a twisted smile.

   "Did you like my cookies? They tasted really yummy, right~!" She yelled.

   Miku grabbed him my his neck and repeatedly slammed his head against the ground multiple times until he was screaming for her to stop. She finally stopped, but only to rip open the fridge and grab the jug of milk.

   "Are you thirsty? Let me help you wash those cookies down!!"

   Miku dumped the whole thing on his face while laughing. She didn't know why, but watching this horrible big bad wolf suffer filled her with joy. When the jug was empty, Miku threw it at his face and kicked him a few times until he began to slowly stop moving.

   "Bye bye~"

   Miku turned away to the, now unlocked, closet. She pulled the doors open to see a long hallway. She couldn't help but smile as she made her escape.

   Who knew she'd have so much fun with Milk and Cookies?


Hey Vocaloid fans~! Do you like yaoi? Well I posted a new yaoi book~!

Edit: It's actually shounenai. There's a difference.

 There's a difference

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