Chapter Eleven - Pacify Her

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Miku had been found in the woods. A few campers found her in a daze; she was mumbling nonsense to herself as she stumbled around on weak legs. The police and an ambulance were called for her, and she was hurried to the nearest hospital.

Apparently, she had been reported missing for three days. Kaito had come home from work, just to find his little sister missing. He felt overjoyed to hear she was alive and ok at the hospital. When he went to see her, Kaito hugged her tight while on the verge of tears.

"Damnit Miku..." He had said. "Don't scare me like that... please don't scare me like that..."

Miku had a blank face as her brother embraced her. Strangely, she couldn't smell smoke on him... and he had called her by her actual name instead of Crybaby... She put her face in his shoulder and hugged back. For once, Kaito's touch wasn't cold and painful. It was warm and loving. Kaito had taken her home immediately; he didn't want to spend another minute in the hospital.

When they got home, a report was blowing up on the news.

"The local ice cream truck driver, Gakupo Kamui was found dead in his home. His face and clothes were soaked in milk, and multiple bruises were found on his head. DNA tests showed he had been poisoned with an unknown tonic. More on this at—"

Miku found herself smiling at that. Her wolf was dead. She had seen many parody stories of Little Red Riding Hood murdering her Big Bad Wolf. Never in her life did she think she'd get to live that story.

That night, Kaito didn't leave her side. He sat by her bed and read her some of her favorite bedtime stories from their youth. He hasn't done that in years...

"Kaito?" Miku spoke with a bored look. "Can I play at the park tomorrow?"

Kaito paused his reading to look up at her, and he frowned.

"No. You're coming with me to work tomorrow, alright?" Was all he said.

Once he finished the book, he kissed Miku's forehead and told her goodnight. He's never done that either... Miku was sure Kaito had fallen asleep on the small sofa in her room too. He was being so clingy to her... In the middle of the night, Miku couldn't help but stare at his sleeping face. For a mer second, she could see that bad wolf ice cream man, with eyes glazed over and milk staining his face. The image haunted her brain and she felt herself grin.

'Huh... who knew death was so pretty...'


Miku sat at a booth alone. Kaito was rushing around taking orders and carring trays with meals on them. Girls still made flirty faces at him, yet Kaito still failed to see the loving and lustful eyes that were glued to him.

Miku let out a sigh and continued to brush the hair of the doll in her lap. She had a bunch of Barbie dolls around her—even though she was starting to despise these awful toys with a passion. A small plate of assorted cookies was there too. One of Kaito's coworkers thought Miku was adorable and gave her the cookies for being "the cutest thing she's ever laid eyes on".

So Miku just sat there; brushing doll hair and eating cookies with a bored look. Then the worse part of her day began.

Neru Akita walked into the diner, holding a boys' hand. Only rather than Len, it was another boy. Oliver was his name, right? Nice guy. Miku watched as Neru lead him to a booth close to hers and sat down with him. Oliver looked hesitant. His fingers fidgeted and he stuttered every time he tried to speak to Neru.

He was just like Miku when she dated Dell. He was unhappy....

Neru Akita was a horrible girl. Her hair was dyed blonde, her clothes showed off too much, and she was ridiculously thin to an unhealthy point. Miku liked referring to Neru as a Basic Bitch—a living Barbie doll.

She couldn't just let Oliver suffer a painful relationship like she did...

Miku took a pen and a piece of paper out her small bag and scribbled something on it. Then she wadded it up and looked toward Oliver.

"Hey," Miku tossed the paper toward him. Oliver turned and caught it. He looked confused, but unwadded the paper and read its contents:

'Wanna play with me?'

Oliver looked toward Miku. She stared at him with calming eyes and she softly smiled at him. And he began to smile back at her. Then Neru snatched the paper away.

"What is this?"

She read it then looked at Miku. A smirk grew on her face and she ripped the paper up in Oliver's face.

"Um, I don't think so~!" Then Neru went to Miku and threw the torn paper bits at her. "Back off my boyfriend, ok sweetie? An odd ball like you doesn't stand a chance~"

Miku glared at Neru as she went back to her seat with Oliver.

'Fuck that Basic Bitch...'

Miku grabbed one of her dolls and angrily ripped it's head off. Neru took notice of that, and made a face. She immediately went back to talking with Oliver.


Miku grinned and ripped the head off another doll. She threw it closer to Neru, making the girl jump. The headless dolls were actually making her uncomfortable. Miku laughed a bit and started ripping the heads off the rest of her dolls and throwing them at Neru. Eventually the girl squealed and stood up.

"S-Stop doing that it's creepy!"

Oliver was laughing by now. Neru looked at him annoyed and stormed away toward the bathrooms. Miku watched her leave and laughed with a large, creepy grin on her face. Then when she looked back at Oliver, she saw him standing in front of her with a small smile.

"You're a big tickle, that was great!" He said, laughing.

Miku found blush spreading across her face. She felt the feeling in her stomach again. The same way she felt with Dell. The same way she felt with Len. Oliver took a step closer. Miku was about to move in, then that basic bitch stepped in front of her, facing Oliver.

"Um, excuse me?"

Oliver looked panicked. Miku tried to think of a way to help him, but the next action made her stop. Neru was unbuttoning her shirt and pulling it open—that bitch was flashing for him! Oliver was staring at her with wide eyes and his mouth open, as if he wanted to speak but changed his mind. Neru then buttoned her shirt back up and took Oliver's hand.

"Come on. Let's go somewhere actually fun~" She said leading him away.

Miku watched in disbelief. Oliver only took one glance back at her as him and Neru exited the diner. Did that really just happen? He obviously wasn't happy with Neru. And he still stayed with her... Miku glanced down at her own chest, and looked at her teal hair and suddenly felt insecure. Was she not good enough...?

"Ah, shit, Miku!" Kaito had come over and was picking up all the doll heads. "You can't be acting up here! I'll get fired!" He was complaining.

Miku paid no mind to her brother. She folded her arms and fought the urge to start crying. Oliver was just as dumb as Dell and Len by staying with Neru.

Why was it so hard for him to Pacify Her....

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