Origin of Mama

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Origin of Mama part 1

EXO. The 12 immortal men tasked to protect the Tree of Life and bring it back together at the right time. All 12, divided into 6, are each given powers to fight off anything or anyone who endagers the Tree. Exo M guards half of the Tree in Exoplanet M, while Exo K guards the other half in Exoplanet K. When the Tree realeased these 12 forces for protection, almost none are aware that a 13th force was released as well. The 13th force, a female, is possibly the most powerful, and is strong enough to be the most hunted force. Because of this, she was released separately and secretly. Even EXO themselves have no knowledge of her existence because their knowledge alone could endager her. She was also given the title "Mama" in the legends, meaning queen. Since her powers can't be made known to anyone, the legends say that she began her life as a child that wandered the streets until a kind husband and wife adopted her. On the eve of her 14th birthday, the Shadowlings, the evil ones who coveted and threatened the Tree's power, brutally murdered her parents in pursuit of her, the 13th force. She was not aware of her abilities and origin at that time, causing her to be confused, helpless, and afraid. She ran away as fast as she can to a faraway village with hopes of living normally and not ever being disturbed again. But her newfound peace wasn't for long.


4 years later

"Elvira!" yelled Elvira's best friend Carmen, the daughter of the husband and wife who adopted her. "Mom's calling you to help out with chores!" She were spending her time song writing and playing her guitar in her favorite meadow. Ever since she was younger, music, dancing, and performing have always been her passion. But because of her dangerous situation, she never pursued her dreams of going into performing arts. She was currently hiding from the Shadowlings and was still unaware of the whole truth about her existence.

"Coming!" Elvira answered as she began picking up her things.

"Okay then! I'll go ahead. Hurry up!" Carmen said as made her way home first. As Elvira walked home shortly after Carmen took off, she thought she saw something dark move in the corner of her eye. After 4 years of hiding from her nightmares, have they finally found her again? She gradually picked up her pace as she heard footsteps getting closer. Not looking back, she started running ad fast as she possibly can. Before she entered, she checked if anyone saw her go to the house. She shut the door, went to her room, and laid her guitar and notebook on your bed. She was still trying to catch her breath as she got out of her room and went down the stairs.


Meanwhile in Exoplanet M

"I think I have it! Maybe the reason why the Tree's condition isn't recovering quickly is because we need another force!" suggested Lay during the group discussion.

"Will the force be helpful?" inquired Xiumin, who, unfortunately, wasn't answered right away because of Tao.

"Where did that idea come from?" asked Tao. "And are you sure you're not just imagining things?"

"Well, you know how that one day I went to check on the Tree to try helping it heal? As I was inspecting it closely, I saw a faded symbol at one of its branches. It's really easy to miss because it's so tiny and faded. Almost as if it was meant to be hidden. I don't know what it stands for, but I'm almost positive that it means there's another force out there that could possibly help us," explained Lay.

"What if it's a warning about a greater force that can kill us all? Don't deny the possibility. I'm smart too, you know," added Chen smugly.

"But there is a higher possibility that the force is on our side. After all, every member's symbol is carved on the Tree. Plus, as far as we know, only postive and helpful forces are illustrated on the Tree. There's no way a negative force will be carved as well," suggested Luhan.

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