Chapter 3

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"Good job, Elvira. Keep it up!" Xiumin cheered her on. Training had just been going for half an hour, but Elvira was already exhausted. For the first couple of minutes, she had to run with EXO. She didn't expect it to be so hard, but she was soon proven wrong. These boys run faster than she could catch her breath.

"Are you ready for the next part?" Tao asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Elvira panted. She was already nervous as it is, but the fact the both EXO M and K were watching her made her even more nervous. Her being athletically challenged basically means that she was screwed because Tao is basically the martial arts genius in EXO.

"Are you sure?" Tao asked again, in a more stern tone this time. She simply just nodded in response.

"Whoa!" she exclaimed. Tao surprised her by executing a punch near her nose and a kick close to her rib cage.

"What the heck was that for?" Elvira accusingly asked rasing her voice.

"You said you were ready!" Tao reasoned out.

"Yeah! But not ready to get killed!"

"You always have to be ready in combat, especially when you're in an actual life and death situation."

"Okay. I'll make sure to keep that in mind next time."

"And remember that there is a high possibility your opponent is distracting you when they talk to you. Just like now," Tao said as he spun Elvira around, grabbed her right arm, twisted it lightly, and pinned it against her back. As he held her in this very uncomfortable position, he also had a secure arm around her neck. He had her at a disadvantage at a blur that she was too stunned to do or say anything. He sensed her discomfort and loosened his grip on her to allow her breathing space.

"Will you stop doing that?!" she half asked half ordered, clearly irritated that she wasn't able to catch his motives both times. Because of her irritation, she bit his arm and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine.

"Now that," Tao croaked, doubling over in pain. "Is what I call prepared. But was that really necessary? That hurt!"

"That's what you get for making my Jagi frustrated!" Baekhyun yelled aloud. "Besides, should we really be rushing her?"

"I'm sure she can handle it," encouraged Kai. "After all, she's Mama."

"Okay. I am definitely ready now," Elvira said getting into a fight stance.

"Slow down, Mama. Remember, use your brain and not just your emotions whenever you fight," advised Tao.

"Okay. I'll take note of that," she replied. "And I'm sorry for kicking you down there. I kinda lost my temper."

"Kinda?" Tao asked bewildered.

"If you don't accept it, I'll kick you again!" she threatened.

"Fine! I accept the apology. You're lucky I have a crush on you," Tao muttered the last part under his breath.

"Were you saying something?"

"Nothing! Let's try that again one more time," said Tao. Soon enough, Elvira was actually learning how to fight. After about an hour of physical training, she knew the basics of fighting without weapons. And Tao was surprisingly a good teacher despite him being your fanboy.

"You're actually a pretty fast learner!" Tao said as she dodged his kick.

"I try," she answered, concentrating on her opponent. Finally, with much difficulty, she was able to tackle Tao and hold him down.

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