Chapter 5

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"So you're saying Elvira betrayed us?" Chanyeol asked, bewildered. His question was met with silence that suggested the answer to be a yes. Despite that, he still refused to believe.

"That can't be! She's Mama! She was destined to help us! Not betray us. Maybe it was someone else," suggested Tao. At this point, the meeting was enveloped in confusion. Eyes were searching and looking around. Minds were frantically looking for answers. But no one was as heartbroken as the leader and the healer.

Kris broke the silence in a regretful tone,"I know what I saw. I even heard her voice conversing with a Shadowling. There's no point in denying it. Elvira is indeed Mama, but she craved more power and authority than we could give her. It's that simple."

Baekhyun, on the other hand, wasn't having it. "You know the Shadowlings," he said as he shot up from his seat. "We all know what they can do! All their tricks, their lies, and their deceit. I'm sure it was just one of those."

"Yeah!" The youngest member, Sehun, piped up. "I definitely agree with Baekhyun-Hyung! There's no way Elvira could do that! We gotta give her more credit! I mean she was able to handle all the drastic changes and catch up quickly."

"On top of that, she has a family back on Earth. I doubt she'd team up with the jerks that tried to harm them," added Chen. Even Kyungsoo and Xiumin, the usually quiet members, were making comments and remarks in Elvira's defense.

"Kris, you might need to reconsider this," the sub-group's leader, Suho, spoke up. His comment silenced the constant chattering around the meeting. "I know we all barely know her, which can leave room for suspicion, but can the prophecy really mislead us?"

"I don't think I need to do reconsider anything," Kris replied as he was beginning to lose his temper. "I was momentarily distracted as a leader, now look what happened. Does it not occur to any of you how one leak of information can lead to a much bigger conflict among EXO, the Shadowlings, and citizens of the Earth?"

"Why are you so bent on pointing a finger at Elvira?" Kyungsoo could no longer keep his silence. "Weren't you the one who found her and looked after her? I have never seen you so kind toward anyone, and now you're willing to let that kindness go just because of a hunch?"

"It's not just a hunch! I actually witnessed the conversation happen!" Kris spat back, raising his voice. "Have you ever wondered where she is right now as we speak? She's not even here to defend herself!"

"Exactly! She isn't here. Has it occurred to you that she could have been kidnapped?" Xiumin, the eldest reasoned out.

"Excuse my rudeness, but what if we're all being played here?" Kai voiced his concerns. "I mean, I did have an imposter that touched Elvira. It could be that Shadowling!"

"You know what? Fine! Have all your opinions about her. But one thing I'm sure of is that we may be at risk of a massive invasion of both EXOplanets. One girl is the least of our worries!" Kris yelled exasperatedly. Whether he truly believed what he said or if he was simply attempting to push his affections aside, he didn't know. All he thought of was protecting the planets he and his group were meant to guard.

"One girl?" Luhan questioned. "That one girl is Mama! She is the one destined to help us in our most desperate times! I can't believe that you, as a leader, is forgetting the most important fact of this whole situation!" Luhan exclaimed.

"Can we just please stop arguing? We're all worried, I get it. But we won't be able to solve a thing if we keep on like this!" Lay pleaded. He was eager to find out what had happened to you no matter how. Even if it meant making a trip to the Shadowlings' without the leader's consent.

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