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     I run as fast as I could down the dark empty street. Meanwhile, I also try to dodge all the scratching sticks and sharp rocks that were waiting to trip me, on the ground. It is kinda hard though with all the hot tears streaming down my face. I am just too devastated to even think clearly.

     Seeing the guy you love doing that is heartbreaking. I thought he loved me back. Apparently he didn't, and now thinking about it I feel like complete shit. I mean, yeah I know that he may have fought with me all the time before and might of physically hurt me a few times but it was okay. I love him and he loves me.

     I loved him and he loved me.

     I loved him and he didn't even care.

     I know I was being stupid during the relationship. I know if my parents knew of all the pain and suffering I went through, they would be going crazy. If my friends knew of all the pain and suffering I went through, they would hate him. Wow, I can't even come to say his name. Ha!


     I come back to realization as I end up a little too far into the road and a red car swerves around me. Thank God that the driver was paying attention, cause I was lost in thought and didn't even notice. I make myself run faster and more safely on the side of the gloomy road, and luckily I found my house approaching quickly. Even more lucky is that I see only one tiny light on and it was my own. That means two things.

     One is that no one else is up so I could sneak back in. Two is that the light belongs to my room and my window is still unlocked.

     Still a little disorientated from my crazy emotions, I find the ladder that I was hiding underneath the bushes on the ground and I pull it out and unfold it quickly. As soft as I could, I put it against the brick wall that is a part of my house, and it only made a tiny clink. Using the little strength I have at the moment, I climb up and reach the roof in the matter of minutes. Once I get up, I pull up the ladder, fold it back up, and put it back in the spot where my dad keeps it on the roof.

     I climb through my window and literally throw myself into my room. I was completely done with everything in my life. I wish I could start over, but sadly, that could never happen. I do know that whatever rumor goes around about him and me, I don't care. I am not telling anyone about what happened throughout the seven months I was with him. 

     It's an embarrassment to me. It's embarrassing that I was that idiotic to not realize what was happening. It's embarrassing that it took me this long to see that what he used to do was wrong. I never did anything about it and I never will. I know it is not smart but I am not saying a word about any events that occurred, it's too late anyways. I never want information like that going around.

     I take off my black Nike's and rip off the bed covers and hop in. I just need sleep, I am physically and emotionally tired. I am done for the day.


     I wake up to my phone ringing. My best friend, Nicole, was trying to facetime me. I am not surprised because we facetime all the time and it is Saturday morning, so, more time to talk. I sit up in bed all confused and still groggy from the late night before. I put on my glasses that were chilling on my dresser so that I can see better. I take my attention back to my iPhone 7 and swipe right to answer the incoming call.

     I see Nicole with her naturally brown wavy hair and hazel eyes, but something is different. She looks angry with me. Like I did something wrong. 

     "You good?", I ask jokingly.

     "Question is, are you?", she snaps back.

     "What the frick did I do?", at this point I'm just so confused and I need to know what is going on.

     She looks at me like I said something stupid and says, "Why would you do that to him? I thought you guys love each other? He treats you so well and you go behind his back and do that? I thought you were not one of those girls. I guess you aren't the person I became best friends with."

     I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion and rub my temples to attempt to soothe my killing headache from staying up late. "I don't understand, can you tell me what's going on?"

     "I gotta go, It's crazy how you won't even admit what you did to your closest friend. I just can't believe how devastated your poor boyfriend must feel..... whoops, I mean ex. Ex boyfriend." 

     All of a sudden Nicole hangs up. She just randomly hangs up without even saying bye. Wow, I must have really messed up! I don't even know what I did, that's the crazy thing. Before I go downstairs to get some meds for my head, I unlock my phone to see if anyone has texted me. I see that I had a lot of notifications.

     'Wow that's a shit load of texts', I think to myself.

     I open my messages app and see that a lot of people texted me. I see that a lot of people, including friends and random school mates, are texting me things like:

     Are you serious?

     You never deserved him!


     Hahahaha, what a picture

     You know, he called me crying cause of what YOU did, why would you hurt him like that?

      I'm kinda weirded out right now. I am trying to think of how this could've happened when I get a text from him.

     This is what happens when you disobey me. Good luck with finding another guy like me, ha! And remember what happens when you show or tell ANYONE about what happened between us.

     I scroll up because there was a picture above the message. What I found absolutely horrified me......     

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