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Hey there! So first off, thanks for choosing to read this story! I just want to give you all some general information before you start reading!

First off, No plagiarism and other things like that! When someone writes a story they put their time and effort into it and when part or all of it is taken from them, it hurts. So please don't. (I and many others i know have been through messes with this and it sucks.).) And if anyone does see any form of plagiarism regarding this story or any of my stories, please contact me immediately!

Second, the comments. No bullying, hating, promotion, or spam of any kind in the comments. I want to make the comments a nice environment! So if you fill it with nonsense especially mean comments directed at myself or others, please think about who you are hurting when you do so. Thanks!

Third, Enjoy the story! I hope you guys like it! And thanks again for clicking on the story! 


This story will include some foul language. It is used however, only for the sake of keeping character and portraying the ages of the characters in the story according to experiences I have had with the age group and are in no way reflecting the entirety of said age group. And I would very much appreciate keeping foul language out of the comments. But if you are expressing any emotions that you feel need it, then I guess it is alright and who am I to control you!. I am not bothered by language as such but please keep into consideration other readers of all ages. Thanks!

Also there are some topics that will be discussed in the story that might be possible triggers for some people so if you are one of them just be aware and I am here to listen/talk if you need it! <3

~ Eleanor 

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