~ Blurb ~

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    Defining yourself is not as easy as writing a dictionary definition. It takes knowledge in who you are to successfully accomplish it. Knowledge, that not everybody has. A girl. Just a girl. Has only one dream. 

                      To find her dream. 

      She goes off on a life adventure to discover herself and find out who she is. But at the same time, she battles her one year before college, what she holds inside, and also questions the world around her. Society, expectations, the truth and the lies behind what she thought life was all about. Will she discover herself? Or something more.


        How can one even think of comprehending the struggle of finding yourself. Discovering who you are and who you want to be. What you are now, and what you need to change. Everyday of all our lives we face this struggle. We want to be the best we can, we want to achieve our greatest goals, and live the happiest life.

   What if "happy" just isn't achievable. What if, you have something that keeps that one thing we all want away from you. The struggle for finding yourself becomes an all out battle on the grounds that are your life. The ones around you become mere obstacles or onlookers. And the light at the end of the tunnel to victory, is you.

  Is it really possible? To overcome your greatest enemy; your greatest obstacle; and your greatest fear? Because that is how you find yourself. That is how you figure out who you actually are. And hell, it's a bumpy ride.

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