Chapter 2

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Stepping into the presentation and career representative filled gym introduced a new anxiety. The "I will never figure anything out" anxiety. The entire room was packed full with long tables that held poster boards or computers with presentations. Some had one presenter, and some had two or three standing by. The most intimidating were the ones in the full out business attire, fit with classy ties or high heels. But others went for a more casual Friday feel, the more welcoming of the two.

In the distance I saw Shelly, happy, bubbly, Shelly. She was sat down at a smaller table with a man who seemed very engaged in what she was saying. I had half a mind to walk over and sit right beside her, but I knew that would be too intruding. This might be her big break. Quite possibly what gets her to where she wants to be. I don't want to be the one who carries the burden of guilt for pissing on her dreams for the rest of my life.

My feet carried me around the tables. I passed by the same ones over and over again. College applications and recruiters for the late appliers, straight into the workforce posters, "how to work from home" posters, and so many more repeated multiple times. However, I took the time to stop at one.

"Discovery Leads to Greatness" is what was written in large, dark blue bold print. Discovery.... The exact thing I need in my life right now. Discovery for me, the world, and the ideas that float in thin air around me everyday. 

"I seriously hope you are not considering going into Nematode Research. I don't care what discovery it is, nematodes are not worth your entire hardworking lifetime." A deeper voice spoke behind me. I examined the board further to find the entire point of the presentation was to indeed recruit nematode researchers. How embarrassing of me to seem so focused on some pond water roundworms. Or quite possibly ocean dwelling. They have such broad ranges of environment.

"Well maybe people want to spend their lives researching tiny worms." I shot back. I turned to face the owner of the deep voice from before and saw a guy not much older than me, arms crossed with sunglasses covering his eyes. 

"You cannot be serious right now." He said once more with a disapproving tone sticking to his words like glue to your fingers.

"Hell no! Worms weird me out." I stepped away from him and the nematodes. Why are nematode researchers recruiting high schoolers in the first place? Without much effort from my muscles my body trudged back over to the gym entrance and slumped against the wall. My eyes trailed back to Shelly who was now engaged into what the man was elaborating on. 

"Is that your friend?" The deep voice from before asked.

"Do you even go here?" I retorted.

"No. I am here for business." He said.

"And what kind of business could a boy no older than me be up to? Drug dealing, mafia work, research on the social lives of people their age, top secret super spy stuff, college, teletubby in training, internship." 

"Nematode research recruiting." He answered with a straight face.

"Crap was that your worm project? Oh God. I am so sorry. If I offended you I swear I didn't mean it." I said apologetically. "You know they just aren't my biggest interest. And honestly dude, ratting on your own research is the worst way to sell it to a bunch of high school kids who are looking into their futures." I rambled on ending with a small life lesson. Luckily he didn't seem too offended. In fact he was laughing at the whole situation.

"I'm joking! You really think I have spent the last three months of my life wasting away sitting in front of a tiny microscope? And for what? The tiniest chance that some bigger more popular, air headed scientist who is probably only famous for one small insignificant but news worthy discovery can one lazy morning, most likely after a long day in the lab, decide to invest in my research? And then take most of the credit for all my hard work? No way in hell. Why settle when you can go and find what you really love?" He made great motions with his hands throwing enthusiasm and real spirit into everything he was saying. And just like a windmill on a windy day, his thoughts continued to spin through my head, my mind wrapping around every detail.

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