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[Yikes, sorry if this is shitty. First time I've written a fic of three lovers. :) Hope you enjoy]

Lance's POV **

Everyone sat at the dining table eating breakfast. Pidge forces a forkful of pancake into their mouth before speaking, "you know.. there is an extra room two of you guys can sleep in." Hunk nodded, sipping his orange juice.

"Yeah. The three of you don't have to share a room." He added, cutting some pancake. I looked at Shiro who was sitting in between Keith and I. He sent Hunk and Pidge a soft smile and shook his head slightly.

"I don't mind it." Shiro spoke, lifting his cup of freshly brewed coffee and taking a sip.

"Neither do I." Keith and I spoke at the same time. I shot a surprised glance at Keith and he shot me a soft smirk back. I blushed softly and went back to eating.

"You don't find it crowded?" Pidge asked, looking at Shiro with an eyebrow raised.

"No, we're all quite close so we enjoy the company we give each other. No one gets bored either." Pidge nodded and went back to eating. I stared off at the wall, starting to daydream. The smell of Sunday morning breakfast filled my nose. I drifted off into my thoughts until I was shaken back to reality by Keith. I looked around to see everyone gone from the table.

"Welcome back sleepy head." Keith said, kissing my cheek. I smiled and watched him walk into the kitchen. "We're on kitchen duty!" He called from the kitchen. I groaned and gathered some dirty plates. Keith and I cleaned up the kitchen and dining room. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, I turned my head to the side to see Keith again.

"You're being affectionate today." I whispered making sure Pidge and Hunk couldn't hear. We haven't came out to them about the three of us dating yet. Keith just hummed in return and started planting kisses on my cheek. He moved down to my jaw and then to my neck, leaving love bites all over. I bit my lip, smiling a bit. Keith stopped once he felt me grow impatient of staying quiet. He let me go and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back and put my hand on his cheek. We heard footsteps coming towards us and we quickly split apart, looking at the person coming to us. We saw a smiling Shiro, he brought us into a hug and he kissed both of us on the head; then released us. He walked to the coffee machine and filled his empty mug up with more coffee.

"You guys are cute, but don't leave me out of your shenanigans." He said,
walking out of the kitchen; ruffling Keith's hair before exiting. Keith and I looked at each other and he started laughing.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You might want to cover your neck, babe." Keith said, winking at me and left.  I stood there confused for a moment and then figured out what he meant.


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