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-Zoowemama here comes another shitty chapter. Hey, would you guys enjoy some smut if I wrote it for this book? Also, there's a bit of a steamy scene but nothing too bad. You guys will see it coming. (; -

Lance perspective... still.*

I sat in the room with Pidge, Hunk, Keith, and Shiro. Keith and Shiro were sitting next to me and Pidge sat across from me with Hunk. It was silent for a bit until Pidge screaming aloud, "when were you guys going to tell us?!" Everyone jumped including Pidge, only for her it was with anticipation. I decided to speak up first, "we're sorry for not telling you guys... we thought it would be weird if we told you."
"Lance, if you and Keith were dating it should be our right to know." Keith and I instantly looked at each other, they didn't know that we were with Shiro as well.
"Well not really," Keith said. "If we wished to keep it a secret then we can. You're not our parents." I heard Pidge crack her knuckles and sighed, leaning against Hunk.
"Yeah but we're your friends Keith, don't we have the right to-
"Can we just drop it?!" I shouted, crossing my arms. "Like fuck! You know now, don't you? So just stop..." I said, standing up and walking to the kitchen. I need a drink. I reached into the fridge and pulled out some Vex. [A flavoured vodka drink. Don't drink a whole bottle yourself... just don't it's not a good idea.]I spun the cap and flicked it off, soon after taking a big chug. I heard heavy footsteps come to me and I looked over to see Shiro.
"Alright that's enough." Shiro said, taking the drink out of my mouth and hands.
"Hey!" I said, grabbing the drink back. This caused us both to chuckle, moments later I heard another pair of footsteps barge into the room. There Keith stood, looking angry as ever. He noticed my drink and grabbed it from me, chugging the rest down. "Keith! That was mine!"
"Sucks to suck, sweetie." I blinked at the pet name, cheeks heating up. "Aw is Lancey Lance flustered?" He said, strutting over and standing beside me. Shiro had walked to the other side of the kitchen and started to make supper for us all. I felt Keith's hand slowly find its way into my back pocket, causing me to gasp slightly as he squeezed. Keith pulled my chin up and kissed my roughly. He pushed me against the fridge and bit my lip, signalling me to open my mouth. To which, I complied. Our tongues began to fight for dominance as his finger traces the rim of my pants. My breathing got heavier and that's when Shiro spoke up.
"Boys, that's for the bedroom not the kitchen. Go sit at the table dinner is ready."
"Yes daddy." I said and then quickly covered my mouth. Only Shiro and Keith noticed, even though Pidge and Hunk were a few feet away from us sitting at the kitchen table. I cleared my throat, "Dad. I mean, Shiro. Yes Shiro." I rushed over to the table and sat next to Hunk. He gave me a back rub as a sign of sympathy for earlier. I looked to him and smiled softly. Shiro set down a bunch of grilled cheese in the middle of the table.
"Thanks for making dinner Shiro, I'm sorry I have this cold otherwise I would've-
Shiro cut Hunk off, "It's alright Hunk I don't mind." Everyone ate in silence until Pidge spoke up.
"So have you guys like.. you know... wink wonked?" Keith spat out his drink from choking and I froze.
"Pidge! What is wrong with you!" I shouted, wiping myself off from some of Keith's spat out drink.
"So you have?"
"No!!" Keith and I shouted, looking at each other with wide eyes. Keep it PG, keep it PG, keep it PG.
"I'm going to bed." I said standing up, which Keith did as well.
"Yup me too." Pidge just smirk and I whacked them on the side of their head.
"Get yer head out of the fakin gutter mate." I snarled in a weird accent before leaving to the bedroom with Keith.

Kind of short but it was rushed. Sorry for it being a few hours late. I've been studying! I have 3 tests tomorrow aaah. Wish me luck!

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